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Let me introduce you to all my
great friends, online and off!!
I have made
some of the best friends I have ever known
simply by getting online....

Rita - Rita is my very best friend in this world. I met Rita through Eric and firefighting (one good thing to come of Eric's obsession). She is the one person to whom I can go for advice and hear what I need to hear, NOT what I want to hear (which is so true many many times). She tries her best to keep me grounded, even when my head is way up in the clouds. How is that for a friend! Though we may not talk every day, she is always there when I need her and vice versa. I can't imagine not having Rita as a friend. She is more of an older sister than simply a friend! The other half of our Thelma and Louise Bad Girl Duo (she's Thelma, I'm Louise!), I look forward to our Girl's Night Out and seeing LRCB!!! Love ya, Rita!!!!!

JUDITH ANN ASH (1958 - 2001) - Judi had quickly become one of my very best friends and honorary Big Sis! I met her through our memberships to an online moms group. She was also one hell of a friend! She was always there for me no matter what! I lost my best friend and Big Sis on Sunday, March 25, 2001. It is a considerable loss for me. I can not even begin to put into words the amount of love I had for her, the respect I felt for her, and the loss I feel without her. I will forever remember her for all that she had done for me. "To the world she was one, to me she was the world." I miss you and love you dearly, Big Sis!

Amy - "Hey Ally...I have a question..." This is the famous quote from Amy to me and vice versa...We have been through thick and thin together...our histories are so similar. I couldn't imagine being where I am today without Amy to turn to for advice, help, etc. We have helped each other so much I can't even count them anymore!!! Thanks for it all, Amy. Amy, Robert, and Karissa are moving a little distance from us. I am so hoping that Karissa and Alyssa will keep their bonds of friendship as strong as we have kept ours and that they realize that "growing separate does not mean growing apart!"

Travis and Chad - Can't forget my brothers!!! We had a rough time getting along as kids, Chad was always the competitive one, and Travis was the mellow one!! As we grew physically, we grew emotionally as well. Now, I have the best relationship with my brothers and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I realize the importance of family and can't imagine not being close to my brothers. Travis is in the Air Force, stationed at McChord Air Base. Currently he is serving our country in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Chad works for RCN, the same company that Eric works for! Love you bros!!!

Beth - I met Beth while teaching at KidsPeace! She is a whip! Her and her husband, Bob, have become pretty close in our circle of friends!!!!!! She is so much fun to be out with and is equally as fun to work with!!!!!

Sue - Not only a great friend, but also a relative! Sue and I were friends all through school and now that Eric and I are married, she is a cousin-in-law AND also Erika’s Godmother!!!!!! Love ya lots, Sue!! Let’s get out the Boone’s!!!!

My FFbMO Friends - Lastly, I can not have a page made for my friends without mentioning all my great friends in FFbMO (Friendships Formed by Moms Online): Judi, Ginny, Kelly (HOMEGIRL!!!!), Flo, Sandra, Lisa, Marlene, Sonja - thanks for your friendship!!!! Through thick and thin, these wonderful ladies have become my extended family and I will forever hold them in a special place in my heart! They are always there when you need a laugh, a shoulder, a little escape from the tough days, or just a little talk about anything! And only they know the true Stinky Toilet Fanny and still love her anyway!! I love you all and will always feel that way! Thanks for everything you do and continue to do! I can't imagine being online without you all to run to with news of any sort! Talk with you all soon!!!

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