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Travis Hot Spot

Greetings! First of all I want to thank my wonderful sister, Allyson, for allowing me this little bit of space on her site!!! I also want to thank her for creating such a great site for me!!!!! Thanks Ally, you are the best!

Currently, I am a hardworking SSgt. in the USAF, stationed at McChord AFB,Tacoma, Washington. I have been stationed here since February, 2001. My wife, Danielle, and I are thoroughly enjoying watching our oldest daughter, Kendra, explore the world around her. On January 12, 2003 we welcomed our newest daughter, Jenna Louise into our lives. Unfortunately, I am currently serving our country in Afghanistan and was unable to be there for her birth. I look forward to coming home soon in order to meet my newest little girl.

When I am home, I try to remain very active in the Bowmanstown Volunteer Fire Department. I have been firefighting since turning 16! I would love to make a career out of firefighting, but for right now, the USAF keeps me hopping!!! Check out the link to BVFC. My sister did a super job on that site too!!!!!

As any proud uncle, I absolutely adore Alyssa & Erika, my nieces. I try to keep in touch with Alyssa via snail mail, but sometimes I get so busy I don’t get a chance to write her back. It never fails, though, when I least expect it, she sends me a letter! I love hearing from her as she is a special girl to me!!!

As I think of more to say, I will let Allyson know and she will update this site, so keep checking back!!! Feel free to use the links below to go back to my sister’s site, or to the USAF official site, or even to email me! I love getting mail from back home!!!!!

I got my graphics @
Made especially for SSgt Travis C. Everett
Please do not use without permission!