Eternus Hyperion (Pu-jin Yi)

My second character in Swarthmore By Night was Eternus. A lot of characters died in the now-infamous 'bachelor party' game explosion, and my first character, the Gangrel Ta'jid Noviev, was one of them. Rather than bother the Staff with twinked out reasons she should have lived, I decided to create a new character. Eternus Hyperion (born name Pu-jin Yi) was a Chinese Gangrel who had the same sire as Ta'jid, which gave me a reason to bring her to the city; she was looking for her 'sister'.

Really, Eternus was my seminal character for SBN. I played her for about a year before she was retired, and the friends she made in Swarthmore were played by the friends I made in Swarthmore. Josie, Catherine, Zane, Larcen, the DX coterie, *sigh* those were good times.

An interesting sidenote, Eternus' Beast Trait (remember them?) was to fear frenzy at the Chinese character for 'chaos' which her mortal husband had tattoo'ed onto her forehead. And yet, at the 'wedding' game, the first LARP I played Eternus, she has no mark on her head. That's because I didn't get the idea until the Saturday of the 1st DX mini-LARP while watching the anime '3x3 Eyes'. The character on her forehead, while meaning 'chaos' IC, is actually the Sign of the Void that appears on Yakamo's forehead when he becomes a Wu.

Here is her background story, and the SBN chronicles I wrote from her point of view.

Eternus Hyperion

New Beginnings (The Wedding LARP)

Like Family (the DX mini-LARP)

Welcome To the Nuthouse

The Die Is Cast

And They Shall Sing

Kin and Kind

The Midnight Bells Toll

Collected Notes From the Orphanage