My Humble Characters

My Characters
Character NameGame/SystemRaceCampaign
Ta'jid Noviev Vampire: the Masquerade Gangrel Swarthmore By Night
Eternus Hyperion Vampire: the Masquerade Gangrel Swarthmore By Night
Raven Galver Vampire: the Masquerade Brujah Swarthmore By Night
Nancy Al Coda Vampire: the Masquerade Ghoul/Lasombra Antitribu Swarthmore By Night
Girnish Tan Vampire: the Masquerade Nosferatu Swarthmore By Night
Hilde Ashenstone Vampire: the Masquerade Malkavian Swarthmore By Night/The Long Night
Squire Vampire: the Masquerade Ventrue Antitribu New Jericho By Night
Andrew Del Monico Vampire: the Masquerade Toreador Seattle By Night
Oriana DeMarco Vampire: the Masquerade Tremere New Jericho By Night
Billie Lee Black Vampire: the Masquerade Toreador Swarthmore By Night/Steel Valley
Salinger Vampire: the Masquerade Gangrel Antitribu Swarthmore By Night
Chedren Williams Vampire: the Masquerade Caitiff(Toreador) Swarthmore By Night
Jean Rawlings Werewolf: the Apocalypse Homid Philodox Child of Gaia Class of '99
Aleana Friel Werewolf: the Apocalypse Homid Theurge Fianna Shut Up & Run II
Surrey Canem Werewolf: the Apocalypse Metis Theurge Child of Gaia Swarthmore By Night
Bridgit Steadheart Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Troll Wilder Winter's Edge/Fife & Drum
Rhalla Haquim Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Eshu Wilder Winter's Edge
Dione Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Satyr Wilder Shards of the Princess
Erin Kenton Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Boggan Childling The Greatest Army
G. Piers Creepers Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Sluagh Wilder Fife & Drum
Marta Fimbleton Changeling: the Dreaming Seelie Boggan Grump Lucid Dreams
Anna Tso Mage: the Ascension Dreamspeaker The New Hope
Coyote Dodge-Allen Mage: the Ascension Celestial Chorus Class of '99
David Sopolikov Mage: the Ascension Sorcerer(Kabbalist) Derek's Sorcerer Game
Kira Drak Mage: the Ascension Son of Ether Derek's "Mad MAx" Game
Ulsharan Exalted Night Caste Solar Jade (WW On-line)
Tidus Bandrovic Exalted Zenith Caste Solar Jade (WW On-line)
Alton Tem Exalted Dawn Caste Solar Jade (WW On-line)
Filia Idania Exalted Eclipse Caste Solar Jade (WW On-line)
