A Personal Message from Jack Iannantuono

A Personal Message from Jack Iannantuono

Dear Friend,

You will decide one basic issue when you vote Tuesday, November 3: To take control of your own life, income, family and property -- or to continue to allow politicians and bureaucrats who do not know you have control of your life.
As a Libertarian, I believe you have the right to conduct your life and business in any peaceful, honest way you choose -- and believe all of us should respect the equal right of others to do the same.
After nearly 25 years of face-to-face meetings with more than 20,000 people in my work as a financial planner, I know from personal experience that people in Pennsylvania and across America are fully competent to make their own decisions.
They care about their parents -- and their children. When they have the information and the opportunity, they are more than willing to do what is right to provide for and protect their own families and to plan wisely for retirement -- and they are generous, caring and compassionate with those in need.

Governments at all levels are barriers to your freedom. Governments tax your work, where you live, and most of what you buy. They tax your travel, your vehicles and your fuel; your business, your profits, your savings and your investments. They tax your entertainment. And if you earn too much in retirement, they tax your Social Security.
All the while, they use your money to control and restrict you, to limit your options, to tell you how they expect you to behave -- as if you were a 5-year-old on an allowance living in constant fear of being sent to your room at any time.
Then, if you have anything left when you die, governments tax that and take it from your heirs.

Imagine how much better your life would be if you could keep and control of all of what you earn. You would be free to invest or spend your money, to raise and educate your children your way, to live and vacation where you really want, to care for your aging parents, and to plan for your own retirement.

Listen to candidates from the other political parties -- all of them. They are fighting for the power to confiscate large portions of your income, so they can spend your money to force you to behave as they want -- not how you might choose for yourself.

I believe there are five fundamental areas in which government has no legitimate role:

As a Libertarian, I choose to stand with you in favor of your own freedom. I am confident you are both competent to make your own decisions, and willing to be responsible for the consequences of your own actions. I trust that as we all regain our freedom from the mentality of the government nannies, we can and will raise and educate our children well, care for our parents, plan for our futures and show compassion to those who are truly in need.

Election Day, November 3, I ask you to defect from the tired, old Remocrat and Depublican cycle of "politics-as-usual".

Do not accept the idea of death and taxes. Instead, embrace and support life and liberty.
Your vote for me and other Libertarian Party candidates is the one vote you will not waste. It is the one vote which gives you the most influence, and the greatest impact -- because you will be voting for yourself as the person most interested in and able to take care of the people who are most important to you.
Isn't that what you really want?

Thank you for your support!


Jack Iannantuono
Libertarian for United States Senate

Who is a Libertarian?

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Politics Won't Produce Moral Heroes

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