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Flame of Recca Group Picture Ever since I was truly introduced to the world of anime and manga, I've had a neverending hunger for more. And thus, I created this section, separate from the Visual and the Bookcase sections. You can read a brief description of the shows below. If there is a description but has no links, it means I plan to create a mini-shrine for the show in the future. Quite simple really.

For quick access to the descriptions, choose the name of the series below:
Dragonball Z
Outlaw Star
Senkaiden Houshin Engi (Soul Hunter)

The following series have either been at least partially read or seen by me and in my opinion is good:
- Escaflowne
- Flame of Recca
- Oh My Goddess!
- Street Fighter II V
- Trigun

Dragonball Z: A series created by Akira Toriyama about a man named Son Goku and his role as protector of Earth. Actually, it is the second half of the manga series he created. Toriyama called the entire series Dragonball but for TV purposes, the producer called the second half Dragonball Z so the producer could run the beginning and the second half of the series at the same time. Another TV series (Dragonball GT) was created after he stopped. I found the Bebi saga to be half decent but it goes downhill from there.

Favorite characters: Mirai Trunks (all time favorite and not just in DBZ), Juuhachigou, Pan

To show my appreciation for it, I have a fansite and fanfiction. At the moment, I have an incomplete Trunks shrine.

Gundam: A friend, in a way, introduced me to this--Gundam Wing, to be exact. I've missed a few episodes here and there but other than that, I've seen it all (manga-wise anyway). Gundam Wing is about five boys from the colonies sent to Earth to end the Earth Sphere Alliance's tyrianny. These five boys are no ordinary boys--they are Gundam pilots. Gundam X is another series I've seen. It is about Garoad Ran and the Frieden crew as they travel across the Earth to save newtypes. A different threat is found on their quest. 08th MS Team is an OVA, meaning it only lasts, in this particular case, 12 episodes. It focuses primarily on Shiron Amada, a pilot from Side 2. The love between two pilots of different sides is what really makes this interesting.

Favorite Character(s): Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing), Shiron Amada (08th MS Team), Ritts (Gundam X), Roby (Gundam X), Enil El (Gundam X)

Outlaw Star: I caught the show when the viewers were able to choose the show to be shown during the summer of 2001. I missed the first run and I most certainly wasn't going to miss it that time around. Maybe someday I will put up a small tribute site to it.

Favorite Character(s): Suzuka

Senkaiden Houshin Engi: I wanted something different from Dragonball, so I asked the fansub store owner for that something. I'm very glad he had recommended the show. Despite the slow beginning (first one or two episodes), it turns out to be good. Unfortunately, if you ignore the beginning, you'll probably get lost 'cause it does explain the circumstances. The best thing about this series is the humor, IMO anyway.

Favorite Character(s): Nataku (I need to check on that name)