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  S. Anna Church

   After having Left the two houses of the little and young "Francesco Forgione", we are going now, through a flight of steps, to S.Anna Church. It's the highest place of the “Castello”. Before entering into the church, we can admire the wonderful and green hills placed around Pietrelcina. In the church, we see a baptistery on the left. This is the baptistery where Francesco Forgione was baptisted in 26 may 1887.

   The S.Anna Church is one of the most important places of the spiritual itinerary of "Padre Pio". In this Church, Jesus appears him when he's five years old. Here Francesco spends many hours of his day. Here he often sees the Virgin Mary and the Guardian Angel too. Here the future Father Pio often celebrates his Masses.

“Oh gentle celestial Mummy, I know she love me so much. Also in this month of May She accompanies me to the altar, when I celebrate the Saint Mass. I would invite the whole humanity to love Our Lady".
                                                                                (Father Pio to Father Agostino, 1 may 1912)


    House "S.Maria degli Angeli"   street

   Now we are going to visit  the house of Padre Pio. Here, at "S.Maria degli Angeli" street, he lives since 1910 till 17 febbruary 1916. The house is situated above a flight of steps. Going into the house, we see a first room on the left. The room of Padre Pio is in the back. This is another important place of the mystic itinerary of Padre Pio.
In this house The Friar combats the devils. It's a phisical and spiritual fight in which Father Pio is plagued by the devils which   tempt it. Father Pio suffers many torments and discouragements.

   This house becomes a place of supernatural apparitions. Jesus appears to Father Pio so many times. Also the Virgin Mary appears to him.   Father Pio sees his Guardian Angel  every day and he often invokes his spiritual friend during his fights to the devils. Father Pio has wonderful dialogues with his Guardian Angel and sends him to complete some spiritual missions toward his spiritual daughters.

    "Piana Romana"

   “Piana Romana” is placed after some kilometers from Pietrelcina and is surrounded by a mildly green wavy scenery. Here we see "Padre Pio" to live the age of  his lightheartedness and of his little work of shepherd. How many times the farmers of Piana Romana look at the little Francesco (Padre Pio) to pray and to pasture the flock!

   How many times "Padre Pio",  young friar and priest, come to Piana Romana to stay together his family to plough the land..

. Padre Pio always comes here to breathe the healthy air of the country and feels, near mummy Peppa, the joy of the life and the contemplation of the nature.

   In a little hut, built by the cousins, Father Pio loves to study, to pray, to meditate, while his parents are working the land.

   Here, at Piana Romana, Father Pio had the stigmata of Jesus. Here he saw Jesus and his holy Mary.

“All things has happened there. Jesus has been at Piana Romana”.

Father Pio

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