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Welcome To My Time Warp_Zone

I am glad you made it here to my interesting section of the page. As you read along, you may find this too good to be true. But I want you to open your minds and think of the time capsule. The Me yesterday, the Me now and the Me tomorrow.

Age 5

Just moved from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Newmarket, Ontarion and I don't know anybody. The new apartment our family lives in is still unfamiliar to me and I've started kindergarten at King George Elementary School. I've made a lot of new friend and I'm one of the smallest students in my class. I can perfectly count to 200 except for the pronunciation of "three" which I always pronounce as "tree."

Age 10

My family moved from Newmarket, Ontario to Brandon, Manitoba last month. We now live in a rented house on Cornwallis St. This has been our fourth move in five years. I was introduced to a lot of unfamiliar faces but I soon made many friends. I ten to speak out every once in a while and get busted for interrupting the class. Overall, everything is just fine.

Age 15

My family and I now live in our first house on 2nd Street and I finally have my own room. I started going to Crocus Plains High School this school year and I joined the Freshmen Volleyball team and Basketball team. The Jump from Grade 8 math to Grade 9 math is a huge one and there's a whole lot more homework, tests, and quizzes. I'm pretty much busy all week with homework, piano practices, and games so I don't get much free time. High school is a whole lot more work than I expected!

Age 20

I've started my second year of Univeristy. I live in an apartment inside a high school commercial zone relatively close to the University of Waterloo, my school. I have a part-time job at McDonalds and Pizza Hut. I teach piano too and have 15 music students. After I graduated from Crocus Plain in Brandon, Manitoba I obtained full academic scholarship to this university. I also signed up for the airforce. They pay for most of my financial needs seing how they didn't need to pay for my education. I also bought the newest Chevy 4x4 in black and had it striped yellow.

Age 25

I'm in my first year of PhD in Astronomy. I've fixed up my old Chevy 4x4 to make it look newer. I still have a part-time job at McDonalds but am now the Assistant Manager of Pizza Hut. I still teach piano and all of the this gives me more than enough to live by. I've been going out with this certain girl for two years and plan to get married within a year.

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