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The Rogues

Re-enactor Photos

Miscellaneous miniatures photos

Re-enactor Photos


Brandywine Battlefield, September 1998

I have scanned these photos twice, once on low resolution (150 dpi), averaging about 50kb a picture, and on high resolution (600 dpi or 1200 dpi), averaging about 500kb a picture.

(Due to space considerations, many of the high res images have been removed. If you would like to see them, pelase email me and I will gladly send a copy.)

Continental Soldiers


British Soldiers


Hessian Soldiers


Miscellaneous Pictures

Mexican American War - 25mm figures by Bill Moreon


The Nashville Fire & Fury playtest at Hurricon '00


Napoleonics playtest for the '99 Ironman

These photos have been moved to Jeff Kimmel's homepage and can be accessed here.


Fredricksburg Playtest (our apologies, some of the photos apparently curled when scanned)



MicroArmor (links fixed)


