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A History of Troop 117

Troop 117 was founded on February 12, 1958. There have been eleven scoutmasters since the beginning of the troop. Troop 117 serves scouts form the Whitpain, Plymouth, Whitemarsh, and Conshohocken areas. The current membership has grown to 50 scouts and 10 Assistant Scoutmasters, making Troop 117 one of the biggest, most innfluential, and most active troops in the Baden-Powell District of the Cradle of Liberty Council. The troop meets at Epiphany of Our Lord R.C. Church at Walton and Township Line Roads at 7:30 on Thursday evenings.

For a history of Cradle of Liberty Council compiled by Greg Heleniak Go to: Cradle of Liberty Council #525 History

Troop 117 is also a recognized Quality Unit. Quality Unit

Below are lists of the former scoutmasters, sites where Troop 117 has been, and awards and recognitions we have recieved. Home

Troop 117 Scoutmasters

Were Troop 117 has been...

Awards and Special Occasions