Stuck In Someone Else's Frames??Break Out!
{MIXEDfeelings} has been Visited Times since 7/26/99
6/25/2000 @2:44am- Hey Look who decided to finally Update! Chapter 19, and the Epilogue are up. As sad as it is to say, That is the last installment to {MIXEDfeelings}, and I want to take this time to thank all the loyal readers who have folowed this sotry from the beginning,(it'll be a year ago in a month... wow)to now. *Muah* to you. ::sniffle:: oh geez I'm crying now. Well, enjoy the end of the story, and give me feedback. Come back and re-read the story whenever you want, cause it will stay up until Angelfire takes it down. Bye You Guys. I have to explain why i have not updated, because i feel like I owe it to you guys. Well there was school...graduation, assessments and whatnot, but that only took away a quarter of my time. the main reason would be that Hanson made their comeback, and since they are my favorite band (yes, i like them more than BSB)I've been attending several concerts and taking trips to meet them. (yay) I kinda lost focus on the story. but your pleads and death threats in the guestbook have showed me what i had to do so i sat down at 12ish last night and stayed up until 4:30 so be grateful cause right now, it's 12 in the afternoon and i am working on less than 5 hours of sleep. KEEP IN MIND I STILL NEED A FEW SISTER SITES! I know alot of you guys do have websites, and alot of them are damn good so step up and help me out here :o) Don't forget to Sign The Guestbook... Please? Hugs, Kisses, and CoOkIeS, KaTi E
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