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A Chicks View

B-4 Hoe'z


My Poems



My Info



  This happens to be the Bro'z B-4 Hoe'z section of my webpage.  Now, the majority of what is listed in here, is from personal experience.  I don't put people's names in here to protect the innocent.  So you shouldn't automatically assume that an entry is about you.  Oh, and I don't hate women.  I just hate what they do to me sometimes.  You have to admit, both guys and girls can treat someone like crap.  It just so happens that women generally treat me like trash, so that is who I must talk about.  Enjoy.




     Alright, just a few quick things.
1)  Going out with Ashley is the best.
2)  Going to the prom with Ashley was the best.
     Sidenote- I think going to the prom w/ someone u r going out w/ is the best!

3)  Our 2 month anniversary is going to be the best!
4)  Spending the summer with Ash is going to be the best!  :)


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     Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.  I'm sorry to say that this V-day is yet another one in the record books.  Yet another V-day without a significant other.  Now I don't know about everyone else, but that makes V-day a little more saddening for me.  I love the fact that everyone is so happy though.  Just today I had lunch with a bunch of girls and I'm pretty sure they all had boyfriends.  It was bittersweet to hear about them talk about their guys though.  Well so only two mentioned their men (therefore I don't know if they all had bf's or not).  But anyways.  It's so reassuring to hear them talk about their guys.  It makes me wish I had a gf.  Just because they were so caught up in everything that was good about their man.  I just wish someone would talk that way about me.  Hell, I'm skeptical that any of my gf's in the past have talked about me in that manner.  I think if a girl had to do anything sweet for their man on V-day, they should tell him how they think about him and how they appreciate everything they do.  I know that would warm my heart, however I don't have to worry about my gf saying something like that to me (cuz I don't have a gf hehe).
     On a related tangent...I think it's weird how all the new girls I've been meeting have bf's.  In some respects it's demoralizing, but in other respects it's very cool.  It's demoralizing because it seems like any girl that I think is cute and adorable, is already taken.  Makes me think that I shouldn't even bother anymore because they will all be unavailable.  It's good in the respect that I have a real opportunity to become close friends with them.  I think that if I can't have a relationship with a cute girl, then I would want to be her best friend.  I'm not a big fan of just being their acquaintance.  Especially if I see them very often, or if I previously was going out with them.  A perfect example is how I'm not talking to my ex anymore.  If you're interested in finding out more about this subject, just ask me, I don't mind sharing painful decissions I've made.  It's what I'm here for...learn from my mistakes.

P.S.  If you're looking for something sweet (since V-day is a sweet day) then check out the 7-24-01 entry (note- the Infamous Romantic Evening poem goes with the 7-24 entry).


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     Well what can I say, visiting home wasn't all I thought it would be. Granted I'm still home right now and wouldn't mind getting back to PSU. So how was everyone's New Year's and Christmas or whatever else you might celebrate? Mine were kind of uneventful. Christmas was it's usual opening cool presents and visiting the grandparents. New Year's Eve...well. I don't know if I want to discuss that. It was pretty pathetic. I put all my hope in the idea that I'd be able to hang out with my ex only to be let down. Apparently her parents don't want her getting involved with me. Well that is their decission. I do wish she would have told me she couldn't have come to my lil' shindig sooner than the day before I was having it. Yeah, so I had to scurry around to try to find a "date" to SMN NYE '01-02 (Scary Movie Night New Year's Eve 2001-2002). Yeah, that didn't happen, everyone else was busy by the time I got around to asking them. So yeah I was out of luck at finding a "date".
     So then...Kinner was still coming over to my house with his date. Well that fell through so it was just me and him. It was alright though, nothing better than watching a movie on my laptop and chatting with Ashley Covey while the ball dropped. Yeah that's right I even missed the dropping of the ball. No biggy since I didn't have anyone to kiss in the new year. So yeah...I thought my ex would be stuck at home all night for NYE...oh was I wrong. She was hanging out with her new flame. At least I guess it's her new guy. Who knows? I just know that I'm not putting up with her confusing nature anymore. Seriously...why should I pine over her when one week she'll say that she loves me so much and the next week she'll be saying things to piss me off and question me over and over why I want to spend time with her. I thought it was apparent that I cared for her and I wanted to spend time with her. But I guess she just didn't understand that. Oh well...friendship lost. Enjoy the New Year everyone, hope it's going better for ya'll than it is for me. :)


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     College girls + commitment?  You know, I really don't think it exists.  That's one thing I forgot to mention before.  All they want is sex!  I'll be damned if I've found a girl that wouldn't mind having a boyfriend.  So I've come to a conclusion.  I don't want anything.  Nothing at all.  I don't want any form of sexual pleasure until I find myself a girl that actually wouldn't mind having a relationship with me.  I'm dead serious about this.  I don't want anything coming close to my "red" zone until I'm fairly settled in with someone.
I'm really not understanding any of this.  I mean, sure college is a totally different area and all that.  But why would NO one want a relationship.  It's actually gotten to the point where I don't know anyone that wants to settle down.  Is there something wrong with settling down?  I mean, I'm not looking to get married.  I'm just looking to be exculsive with someone.  Is that so bad?  I really don't care anymore.  No one done here wants me, so I don't want anyone down here.  It's pretty much that simple.  If they can't handle not getting physical before being in a relationship, then I simply don't have time for them.  I can't make things anymore clear.  I want something with a degree of commitment.  I don't want a fling.  I don't want some friend with benefits.  I don't want anything like those.  I just want a relationship.  But even right now I don't care about actually getting one.  If one comes along then fine, if not, I'll stay single.  I have rollerblades and other sporting it looks like that stuff maybe get priority over the ladies for awhile.  At least until they start to realize that living a life from party to party and hooking up with random guys is not the way to go.  Now that I think about it, I'm probably not going to want to go out with anyone after they get over this period of partying and enjoying themselves, god knows what kind of diseases they might have.  Thanks for spending the time to read this.  Laters


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     I'm curious guys, are you having a hard time finding a chick in college that is worth your time?  Because I'm having a damn hard time finding anything worth while.  All I seem to find a bitchy chicks.  Or chicks that smoke and that is just soooooo amazingly unhealthy and unattractive that it just makes me want to not even talk to them.  Also what is the deal with cell phones?  I HATE chicks that smoke and chicks that are on cell phones 24/7.  It's so disgusting.  Who the hell can they be talking to that is so important that they can't talk to them in person.  It's so agrivating.  Not all the women I've met down here are bad.  I am just not finding someone that is interested in me and that I'm interested in as well.  
Furthermore, it's really hard to find a girl that is just normal.  Not to mention a girl that wants a real relationship.  It's so frustrating when all the chicks around you just want sex.  God, I hate that.  I don't want to have sex with anyone.  I just want a female to hang out with exculsively.  Someone to share something special with.  Like I've been telling everyone, I'm celibate now.  The Monk Brother side of me is overriding the Shogun Master half.  And that's the way I want it.  I don't want to sleep around while I'm here.  I want one person at a time.  I'm sorry if no one can understand that.  But maybe the chick that actually understands what I want is the chick for me?


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     Howdy.  Oh do I have a story for you guys.  Alright, here it comes, but first the setting.  Ok, we have Marsh, and his roommate Josh, and then there is me.  We all decide that it's a good idea to go out on a Saturday night and make some female friends. 
Actually.  I can talk about Ashley now because she's on a short vacation.  I don't really know anything to say about her.  I'm glad she's more mature than most girls I've tried to go out with before.  This is pretty much my first real relationship.  Or pretty much my first make that GREAT relationship.  Even though we don't really have much in common as far as the trivial things are concerned, we get along extremely well.  And we are learning to adapt to each others lil' unique characteristics.  I've noticed she has been more accepting of my humor recently which is good.  Not to mention we are both very trusting of each other.  I don't generally get worried now whenever she mentions any of her guy friends.  I have gotten a little concerned at times but that's pretty much natural.  I know she wouldn't do anything to really mess with my head like girls in the past. 
      Other than that, we just enjoy any time that we spend together.  And we pretty much take advantage of it any chance that we can get.  I have never really felt as comfortable with another as I have with Ash.  She's just amazing :)  I would suggest that every guy go out with her.  But I would encourage it after her and I have run our course but I don't think Ash or I even know when we'll be done with each other.  Hopefully it won't be for awhile.  :)  Enjoy the rest of the site.


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     Hello again.  There really isn't much I can tell you about women today.  I think for the most part they can be good people :)  I don't really enjoy when they call me a typical guy though.  Because, I don't really think I am the typical guy.  I don't really know too many guys that do nice things for their girlfriends.  I am a typical guy in some respects.  But they don't tend to come up that often.
Actually.  I can talk about Ashley now because she's on a short vacation.  I don't really know anything to say about her.  I'm glad she's more mature than most girls I've tried to go out with before.  This is pretty much my first real relationship.  Or pretty much my first make that GREAT relationship.  Even though we don't really have much in common as far as the trivial things are concerned, we get along extremely well.  And we are learning to adapt to each others lil' unique characteristics.  I've noticed she has been more accepting of my humor recently which is good.  Not to mention we are both very trusting of each other.  I don't generally get worried now whenever she mentions any of her guy friends.  I have gotten a little concerned at times but that's pretty much natural.  I know she wouldn't do anything to really mess with my head like girls in the past. 
      Other than that, we just enjoy any time that we spend together.  And we pretty much take advantage of it any chance that we can get.  I have never really felt as comfortable with another as I have with Ash.  She's just amazing :)  I would suggest that every guy go out with her.  But I would encourage it after her and I have run our course but I don't think Ash or I even know when we'll be done with each other.  Hopefully it won't be for awhile.  :)  Enjoy the rest of the site.


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     Well, here is the summary of the romantic evening I put on for Ash.  I hope you enjoy it:

first of all...I had on a pair of red boxer briefs, my "Girls have cooties" shirt, and a black bath robe :-P
picture my basment k?  like cleaned up
no junk on that table by the tv
the boards in the corner covered up
those lil' fold out things over by the pole...with a dark blue sleeping bag on them

1 candle behind the pillows on that
3 candles inbetween the weight bench and the dry wall
1 candle on the corner of the drywall by the make out tent
1 candle up on my artwork shelf
1 candle on the corner of the drywall by the stairs
green sleeping back covering the white peg board on the drywall
a lil' table infront of that

some ice cream on the table, and random glow in the dark things in the shape of a smiley face
2 candles for the eyes of the smiley face
a trail of rose petals starting at the top of the stairs...down...across and around the drywall section...then a trail leading over to the fold out thingies...
some more petals on the fold out thingies
one of ash's presents (a lil' chalk board with a few messages on it by the candle on the drywall closest to the make out tent)...then a orange (her fav. color) basket containing an orange horse (that I painted), a stuffed hammerhead shark (my fav. animal)...actually one shark for for me....a few other random the middle of the drywall section...and on the corner near the stairs of the empty vase
alright...ok...our song playing on the stereo (bought the cd just for that darn song)  :-P  Eve 6 "Here's to the Night"

as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs I handed her a dozen red rozes
(for the vase of course)  :-P
then...after sharing the ice cream (I had to be a gentleman and serve her)...I read her a poem that I had made up the other night
(we just watched the rest of pulp fiction after that)

That pretty much concludes the evening.  It was weird because everyone kept telling us not to have sex (well in a way not to have sex).  Which was really odd because I wasn't even thinking that when I was setting this up or when I was doing the stuff mentioned above.  I don't know.  Parents can be kind of unpredictable at times I suppose.  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading about the romantic evening.  Please leave any comments in the guestbook that you may have.  G'night.


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     Wow, after last night, I feel like I could write a novel.  But honestly...I don't really know what happened so I don't know what to say.  I've realized that I don't like to talk when other people are really upset.  Just because I have no clue on what to tell them.  Not to mention I was a bit confused.  Yeah this really isn't a good quality to have in a relationship.  But I can't really help it.  I've never been faced with most of this stuff till now.  And this is one reason why I used to say that I always wanted a serious relationship before I went to college.  So I could experience what a real relationship is like.  I guess I'm getting my fill of things now.  But we've done fairly well the past like 2 months.  Maybe even 3 months.  We've only had a few minor problems which we got over.
       I've also realized that I'm not really someone to say that I'm sorry when I don't really think that I did anything wrong.  Actually, I don't really like to apologize for anything.  Especially when it relates to how I act.  Now if I just come out and verbally assult you.  Then I'd prolly feel bad about it later and I would most likely apologize.  But other times...I just don't really feel like I should apologize for some of my actions.  That sounds like a real asshole thing to say.  But would you apologize for the way you normally act?  I don't really expect other people to apologize for the way that they act.  I just try to accept it and move on.  But I'm really not an expert on all this.  Of course I'm slowly getting to that point.  Laters.  Oh...don't worry...I think things are getting least I hope they are.  :)  (but they prolly won't be after this entry)


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     Morning.  I just was a bit on the bored side.  So I thought I would update my page for something to do.  Well, since nothing else interesting has happened to me that I can think of.  I can talk about my trip to Myrtle Beach with Kinner.  Now, first of all, I expected Kinner to get more compliments and "Hi's"...but I wasn't prepared for how one sided it actually was.  Now, when we were cruizin' in the golf cart together, people didn't say much, prolly cuz I was in there with him.  But, when we were by ourselves, things were totally different.  Kinner had chicks talking to him like everywhere he went!  Me on the other hand didn't.  In fact, I only had 3 females talk to me. 
      One said "How long have u been sitting here?"  -About 5 minutes- "Have you seen a kid in a baby blue shirt, and khaki shorts?"  -Not that I know was only later that I realized that I was wearing a baby blue shirt and khaki shorts :)  oopsy.
      Another said "Hi" but that was after I walked over to see who Kinner was talking to.  And that was about all I got that time.
      And the last one said "How old are u?"  -Old enough-  "No really, how old are u?"  -18-  "Ok you're cool"  then they sped off in their golf cart.
       I dunno, am I really that unattractive?  I mean...I have a really hot gf and she gets hit on all the time.  But I don't get hit on by anyone.  I don't really get it.  Maybe it's because women fear me because I'm such a big fella'.  Or maybe it's because there is just always hotter guys around.  I'm not really sure.  Personally it doesn't really bother me because no chicks have EVER hit on me in person.  That's ok though, it helps me remain humble.  Well I have to start preparing for my big day with Ash :)  She's such a hottie!


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     Hi hi hi.  I'm really not in the mood to be updating this.  But I have nothing really better to do.  Actually, I don't know if I have anything to comment about in here.  Other than my plans for this weekend keep being proposed and declined.  But it's not just women that have messed up my plans for this weekend.  Even some male friends have.  I don't really understand it.  I thought all my guy friends actually semi-believed in my Bro'z Before Hoe'z thingy.  Now, I don't really feel betrayed or anything.  Ok so I feel a lil' upset about the whole thing.  I mean.  I don't really expect my guy friends to pick me over their gf's all the time.  But sometimes I'm just totally disregarded until they are single again and looking for support.  Hey, I dunno what is up with that.
      Anyways, on a sidenote.  Not only does my gf get hit on by guys...but she was hit on by a chick this weekend!  Damn.  That just blows my damn mind.  No one every hits on me.  I do find that a lot of 15 year olds think I'm hot.  But I don't really want to deal with any other 15 year olds with the exception of my female.  Basically because my female doesn't act like she's that old.  Damn, now I feel like I'm robbin' the craddle again or something.  Argh it's just too freaky to think about anymore.  I'm out for now.  I'm sure I can add some stuff on her about my Myrtle Beach vacation that happened a few weeks ago...since I generally talk about how women dick me over at the beach.  But you might be in for a surprise.  Stay tuned.


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     Howdy all.  It has been a really really long time since I've updated any of my pages.  And actually, I don't really have much to say in here.  Ok ok, so there is a lot to update you on.  I seem to have settled down with a nice female.  Yeah I know, it sounds crazy.  But I've found one that hasn't really tried to dick me over yet.  However, someone said they had on odd feeling about my most recent match, but hey, I'm not going to worry about it.  The only problem I have with this whole match is that I don't think it'll last though college :(  Yes I know, it's horrible!  I finally find myself a really nice female and it won't last.  Well,  I tend to live for the present so it shouldn't be so bad.  Anyways, college should be fun, and should provide a WHOLE mess of stuff for me to put in here.  At least, it will probably end up that way.  I don't have great luck with women.  But anyways.  I'm pretty much happy with my current female situation.  It feels good to be a one woman man.  :)


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     Well. I have found my purpose in life. It is to roam the earth as a single man freak show. Cuz I damn well know I'm not going to have a significant other to travel the earth with. Apparently I'm too much of a "dick". I'm sorry...I guess I can't be honest anymore. And I definetly can't even think twice about communicating with females. Cuz we all know that back fires. I've come to the conclusion that women don't really want a nice guy. They want a guy that is a terrible dick to them...and like...might be "sweet" every so often to keep the chick from leaving him. For the women that are looking for a relationship for them...then I suggest they don't look towards me. Cuz me and Kinner came up with a system on which to judge relationships (it basically highlights what me and him find to be the most important things in a relationship). It is called the LLATCH! system. It stands for L-Liveliness, L-Loyalty, A-Affectionate, T-Trustworthy, C-Communication, H-Honesty, !-How attracted you are to that person. Now, I believe that this system covers everything that someone is actually looking for in a good relationship. Since I helped with the making of this system, I try to excel at each of these. Of course it is easier to excel at these tasks when the person you are seeing has a high rating on this system. Sooooo if the person u are seeing is low on the Communication is kinda hard for you to coommunicate with the other person therefore communication in the overal relationship is bad. Personally I think the most important part of this system is Communication cuz all the others kind of branch off of that. Oh and like whatever u do...don't base everything on looks. Cuz even though someone may look amazing...they could be horribly lacking in key thinks like communication and affection. I'm just babbling on and not making a point. My point is...don't change for other people. Change because you want to change. It is ok to make exceptions now and then (i.e. it is ok for you to choose a female over a bro every now and then but like don't do it all the time...bro's can handle being put on hold for a night or two...but making a habit of it would ruin a friendship...and women aren't worth that). Now you're all thinking...oh Suho just said that women are worthless...well they aren't. I'm just saying a friend will stick with you a lot longer than a female will. Especially if u have lots of money...then suddenly it's all gone (bro's would actually stick by u then). At the rate I'm going, I can shoot for the world record of Oldest virgin :P Laters all. Don't let women get ya down. It's not worth all the emotional stress. Just shrug it off and keep going man. Enjoy Bro'z.


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     I have lost all faith in the human race in order to find someone to cuddle with. Soooo...looks like I shall remain by least until mid 40's or which time the females would start realizing that I am a good guy. Oh wait...people do realize I'm a good guy. Course they say that then like...totally ignore me. It's really sad. Wow you're such a great guy, I'm glad we can be friends that never do anything together or even plan on doing things together cuz u know if we plan something it will just fall through the cracks like nothing was planned in the first place. But I already addressed the issue about people not spending time with me. Now I'm like...completely single and I don't really like the feeling. I mean before I had ashley...but that didn't work out...considering she didn't talk to me in person. And communication being a big part of a relationship (in my mind) was totally lacking between me and her. I always snicker when people say, don't worry, you'll find someone eventually. or like...It'll happen this year, don't worry about it. Cuz I know damn well it will definetly not happen before the end of 2000. As wonderful as it would be to cuddle with a female by a warm fireplace for christmas while it snows's not gonna happen. Not to mention my first kiss of 2001...I'd have an easier time getting kissed by a shark then a girlfriend. won't happen. I've tried being positive about it...I've tried being negative...I've tried bein indifferent...everything points to one thing. Disappointment. Maybe I'll go to college to learn why people think the way they do...and why guys like me never have a wonderful girl to spend quality time with. I find it pointless anymore even to pursue would be nice just to like, forget about going after them and just flirt with every female and site...but I can't do that. Argh, I need to call Stacey...remind me to do that tomorrow. Now I feel pretty bad. *sigh* Blah...blah...blah...blah. Oh...don't forget, Nice Guys Finish Last. :) I know...from personal experience. Laters, Suho.


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     Argh, I can't bloody take this anymore. Why is it soooooooo difficult to do something with me? I'm not some pyscho killer though you all are prolly gonna drive me in that direction before the end of the school year. This is just crazy. I've spent more time with Ashley than I have like any other female this summer. And that is really freakin' hard to believe since Ashley has been like grounded from me like the whole summer. Hell, I LOVE spending time with her...but all you other people are just getting on my nerves. I can't take it! How come whenever I ask people to do something with me (even something as simple as tagging along with me to the mall)? It's not like I'm asking you for a kidney or a lung or liver! I just want to spend a lil' time with you and get to know you better. Yet everyone is tooooooo busy for me. And is just pisses me off. It has taken me alllll summer to actually get some of you to hang out with me and that is just crazy. Hell, when school rolls around you'll all prolly ignore me. But I'm not gonna allow that to happen. Jeez, once school rolls around I only need like one person to hang out with and that'll prolly be Ashley since everyone else is too good or too busy for me. It's just crazy. Maybe I'm not asking the right people? But I thought I was giving it a good shotgun approach by asking people all over the area from troy to Athens...but nope. Barely have I found a yes out of anyone. The only people that hang out with me are the Bro'z...wonder why that is...prolly cuz they aren't embarassed to walk around the mall with me. that I reflect on my summer...the only people that would actually want to hang out with me are Sarah and Ashley. And well Sarah is moving to Danville...soooo I don't have her to go to the mall with anymore. I j....I @#$!#$%^# hate this stupid internet! The bastard just dropped out on me!!! ARgh! I don't care anymore. Any female that refuses to do stuff with me is missing out on a unique time to get to know one of the better guys in the valley...oh oh I see I'm so full of myself...well you find a guy like me around here. Go ahead. Find a non-drinker, non-smoker, non-drug user, that is as harmless as a puppy, and that has the grades in school that I do. Oh and a guy that would treat his gf like a queen rather than abusing her in any way or manner. That just really upsets me when I hear about some dick that hits his gf or that abuses his female in some way. That is a bunch of crap! Argh! There, you have my two cents on this stupid summer!


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     Just returned from vacation as u can tell in my Heather section. I figured I'd put that stuff in there cuz well, I met Heather last year at the beach...and well...there is a connection there...hence my reason for putting it there. Anyways, women are rather mean. I'm sure we all know this by now...but I mean, jeez, they don't have to stare at you just cuz u have spiked hair. I don't think there is a such thing as a Southern Bell...cuz all the chicks we met from the south just wanted to use us for a ride. It was rather pathetic, these two even told us they were looking for their bf's. It was really comforting. The other 2 southern women made a comment about my hair, so we turned around to see what they said...they mentioned that they liked it. Soooo we just cruised around with them to kill some time, and that was it. Oh I forgot to mention that this really hot chick (on crutches) and her icky, chubby friend asked for a ride. Bidlack was right in thinking we shouldn't give them a ride cuz the hot one didn't talk all that much. Luckily some people drove up with some food for the mouthy female. hehe, that sounded bad...oh well. I guess the main reason I didn't attract any females to myself while I was down there was cuz I didn't look like Eminem. Maybe the spikes had something to do wtih it too...but I liked the spikes. I enjoyed not looking like that fag Eminem. Well, that is about all I can complain about right now...just remember Southerners are mean and so are the Local Rednecks...later suhoness.


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     You know I can't really complain about many women today...hehe. They are all pretty much treating me rather nicely (a few more than others...hehe). Ahhhh but I could talk about how people change. Nah...that wouldn't be a good thing. We all know people change. It's just this change was so rapid I couldn't believe it myself and it caught me by surprise. If it gets worse I'll mention it...but until then enjoy life...later Suho


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     Oh my goodness....there is tons and tons of stuff I could dump in here. But I'm thinking I shouldn't do that cuz I don't want to upset a few people. I honestly don't know what to say...there are soooo many things running through my head. Maybe I should read something on how to pick up chicks...cuz whatever i'm doing must be horribly wrong. I'm nice...that's not a good thing to do (as stated before nice guys always no matter what, finish last)...I try to be a dick...that doesn't work...I try to be cuddly...that won't work...I try to be friendly...that doens't work...ok ya know what...I've even asked the female to mold me and shape me into what they want, I offered to two was too busy to do that (I mean come on...too busy to mold someone into your perfect man?) and the other...well...I don't know what's up with her. I guess that's the main reason I'm writing in this. Any chicks that I meet that I guess like me...are people that I don't really want to like me...I'm just a shallow bastard...I don't care...I can't help it...that's who I am, deal with it. I don't really care what anyone thinks of me...I should go back the way I used to be and not talk to anyone, then I wouldn't be happy, yet I'm not too content with trying each weekend to set something up...yet every weekend being shot down. I don't really mean this weekend, though it did sort of happen, I don't know what's up with this was still ok. why do people have to hide their feelings...I don't really hide my feelings. I would be even more open with them if people were actually open with me. so many weird things are going on. I don't really care for it...later Suho (I'm not freakin' suicidal...god I hate when people think that because u just say something like my last line...jeez...I would never think of even commiting's just stupid to don't even think about it)


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     Hey, what can I say, I thought the page needed a lil' bit of color. In fact I should spruce up everything. Should put in style sheets, that way it would be easier to work with and I do know how to do them now so it shouldn't be a big problem. Plus the net will be going that way in the future anyways. I have a feeling no one reads these things...oh haired suho


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     Well I've found it that women are never able to make up their mind. I don't really understand it myself even in situations in which u think it woudl be easy for them to make up their mind, they have a really tuff time coming up with a decission. Even if they do make a decission they never want to stick with it. It is really really frustrating. Granted not all women are like this but I've met a great deal that fall into this category. I find it extra hard to deal with it when it involves me directly as in plans that I have or just personal feelings about me. I don't like it when one minute they enjoy talking to me and the next minute they don't ever want to talk to me again. It's really messed up. Now if I don't like someone then I usually continue to dislike that person and when I like someone I usually continue to like that person. I don't change my view on that person just because I feel like shaking things up a little bit. I like to stick to my original feelings on that person. Well anyways I need to work on updating other parts of my webpage. Later, Suho...and if u'r female, please make up your mind, u might not like it in the begining but people will appreciate it in the long run.


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     Holy cow. I really could update this with three nice lil' stories about some recent experiences with some ladies. But I have sinced smoothed out the problems and do not want to agitate the waters anymore. I am just bored in study hall right now so I decided it is time for me to update my webpage. Ummm maybe I will add a few stories in this section...maybe not. I will tell you this though, me and kinner were working on getting some females for friday so we could have like a double date. I have been basically rejected by 15 different women. Now that is like a personal record for me...and I'm not very proud of it. I guess it just goes to show you how picky or maybe....I difficult women are. It wasn't really even like a serious date. I just wanted a female that I could hang out with with my bud and his chick that he was getting. I don't understand why it had to come to this...hell, I have to back up to some people that I wouldn't even have asked. I would really like to get my prom date to hang out with my friday but I don't really know if it will happen. Well I have to ask her and run the plans by her and all that. I'm sure I might have a story for you after the prom. I've noticed girls in general at athens' aren't as friendly as some other girls around the area. I don't understand why either. not like they live in different states. Hell they are even in the same county. I don't see why they act so differently. Well a friend of mine has been having problems with some ladies. Basically because they aren't really acting mature. I dunno the whole story. Would be nice to get him to write me something so I could put it up on the good ole page. I'll see what I can do. This is all I can offer at the present moment in time. Wish I could update a pic of myself but we've lost the digital camera's program and won't be able ot update it until I find the disk with the program on it. Well got to update other parts of the page...later...suho


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     Wow, haven't updated this in awhile. But then again I haven't really had too many girls problems. I mean I've had some but not as many as I used to. It is still a problem to find girls to hang out with on the weekends and to like talk to when I need to talk to someone. But everything else is doing pretty good. Ummm let's see. It just bothers me that I'm always getting shafted by some higher power/destiny or whatever. It is really starting to anger me to the point that i just want to revert and go back to not talking to anyone and just being a total geek! Man, it seems like that all that is out there are pyscho's, girls that will use u, evil girls, nice girls that only want to be friends, girls that will talk to you but once u send ur picture they're gone, girls that say that they don't care about looks but when u see them DAY-UM!, ummm nice girls that are not at all good looking, girls that are good friends but are usually busy so u can't hang out with them, and there is just a tiny, itty, bitty pinch of nice chicks that like you for who you are. It is really hard to find nice looking girls that like you (especially when your hair is like mine). Now i don't really consider myself ugly or having a bad personality. I mean I look a lot better than a good number of guys...but I'm also not as good looking as others. So I would say I'm probaby about average. I dunno, I'm not a chick so I'm not totally sure. Anyways...So I'm meeting all these new people (freshmen and all these people from around the area) and most of them are all nice and stuff but I mean the ones that seem to really like me...well I don't feel the same about them. It sucks...I'd hate to tell them but I know it is gonna happen. But I'm gonan try my hardest to be the bestus/nicest guy to all of them. Cuz I'm a nice guy. I really am. well...I can't really bitch and moan anymore. I didn't mention any names but I know some people are gonna think I'm talking about them when I really am not...ohhh well. It happens. Just gonna tell them I didn't mention any names and leave it like that. I don't need to explain myself. Later...suho...I'm gonna try and update my whole page.


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     Well hello, hello again there fella's. Once again it has been sometime since I have updated this page, but fear not, I am here now to talk to u all and to enlighten the lot of ya! Well let me see, many people have been commenting on my "new attitude" which I feel isn't much different from my old one. Many like it, enjoying the fact that I am getting out more and stuff like that and not letting people, errr women in general, walk all over me anymore. I may not seem as nice to some people and that is probably because they aren't used to having people stand up to them. Either they feel they are better than everyone or they feel that oh, Suho is just a little push over, he'll do anything I say. Well I won't anymore. I'm a new man, that's right, I'm a man cuz I can stand up for me. I feel my bro'z will agree with me and will stand behind me on my decission. Bro'z-4-Life!!! So that is how I feel about my "new attitude". It's the same Suho, just not as sugar coated towards some people like I used to be. Here is a word of advice for them, deal with it. Lates!


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     Sorry about the wait bro'z but I haven't really had anything to complain about cuz I've been too busy to stop and really analyze anything. But I do know that recently my one friend's woman broke up with him and he is pretty devastated by the whole thing. I thought he was being all nice about the situation and trying to be a good guy about everything and not flip out. And what happens? That's right, she flips out on him for nothing!!! Now u are probably thinking, well let's hear the story...I don't have time to tell u the story...maybe he'll write something up for me but I don't know. And I don't want to just butcher the story cuz I know that he could tell a wonderful tale. I know, cuz I was there for most of it. Well talk to u later, hopefully I'll be updating this at least once a week. Bye!


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     Well here's another little story from the Freshmaker, hope u enjoy.
"Okay, it’s time for the Freshmaker to interject, yet again, on the subject of girls and such. You ever notice how girls can be so nice and sweet, yet be crushing you into oblivion without either of you realizing it at the time? Maybe it’s just me who has that happen, but I doubt it. I’m here to talk about Mrs. X again. (sigh) Well, first off, lemme just say that this DOES NOT mean she’s a hoe, AT ALL. In fact, quite the opposite, she’s perfect. It’s just, I don’t understand what the hell went wrong. Like I said before, I’ve liked her for a long time, like two years to be approximate. Two years on ONE person. That’s a long time, and I think my friend’s can vouch for me on that matter. She’s all I talked about, thought about, wrote about(for a detailed writing synopsis, visit my page), dreamed about, etc…. Well, I finally mustered up the courage to call her this summer, but got her answering machine.(Damn.) But, to my surprise, she called me back.(!) I couldn’t believe it! Of course, I couldn’t be my usual self on the phone, I sounded like a complete moron. So, I got off the phone and was so happy. In fact, most of my friends didn’t recognize my mood, cuz’ even though I don’t always act it, I’m down a lot, I think. Anyways, that night, I was watching TV, and I came out to get on ICQ, when what do I see, but Mrs. X is on under a friend’s account.(!) At this point, I’m just flipping out. So, we get to talking, and she goes to me, “you want me, don’t you?” and, obviously, I’m like, “well… yeah, I do, but I’d never have a chance with you.” And she goes, “Well, you gotta ask in person to know.” So, I, stupidly assuming, took that as a good sign. Well, I didn’t get to see her, so I called her. She was on the other line, and told me to call back in ten minutes. So, I did, and she said her mom needed to use the phone, so she was Supposed to call me back, and, she never did. So, I wrote her a letter telling her exactly how I felt…. And had a friend give it to her. Well, I called her that night, and after ALL that, she gives me the old “I’m not looking for a boyfriend” speech. Damn.

I apologize for the length of this entry, but this needed to be said. I am not mad about any of the preceding events, but, it is very disheartening when a girl who has been your every thought for two years, blows you off like any old thing.

But, I do not blame Mrs. X, it wasn’t her fault, I just should’ve said something in the first place, and not gotten so attached, but now, I’m gonna have to try to build a friendship -with the girl that I think of all the time. My beautiful, Mrs. X."

Mento's Webpage, check out the Freshness!!!


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     I got this little story for u about my trip to see my brother graduate. Ok so me, mom, and dad are in the truck and we are at this stop...and the other way has a red light...and there is an opening for us to go so my dad starts to move a little but this lady in a van coming towards us (remember she has a red light) almost hits us to stop like 10 feet from where she could have stopped to let us out...but no she just keeps driving so she can get in line to stop and not let us out. Well this isn't the worst part...there is still a little room to go but this other lady in a car pulls right up behind the girl in the van!!! Giving us no way to pull out!!!! So we wait for the light to turn green so we can wait for those two women to move so we can get out...but the line is filling we sit there and after the one girl in the car that could have let us out is this guy...and he is nice and waves us out...even though he has a green light. Now look at example of many (some) women are bad drivers, they aren't friendly when it comes to little things like that and lots of other stuff that I don't feel like getting into...sooo that is all for today. Later and Congrats to my Bro!!!


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     Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile, been busy with football. But I have a chance now so why don't i talk about how women are never happy. I have always heard people saying that women are never happy, and they were right! I have never really seen a woman happy, but if they were happy then it was only for like a split second, then they wanted something new. Like if they hooked up with their dream guy they would find something to complain about. They could have everything they ever wished for and they would complain that they are unhappy cuz they are getting to many things. I mean hell, u could hang out with a might not notice it at first but soon u will see how they are never happy, just try it once. Like take a girl to the mall or like to the movies or something and u'll see what I'm talking about. It might be, ur not driving fast enough on the way up then it would be like slow down ur going to fast (and the kicker is u haven't changed speeds!!!). It is just freakin' amazing! I can't believe it. Just hang out with one and u'll see what I mean...there is so much truth to what I have said, words to life by, Women are never happy, Nice guys finish last (so be a dickhead), and Do not make sick jokes around women (it freaks them out for some reason). Later all!

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     Man, I'm taking some grief for my last entry (not Mentos')...for some reason all the women that I talk to that have read this think that it is about them. Hmmmm, is it natural to read an anyonomus entry and think that it is about u? Hell if I read something I wouldn't think it was about me unless they said my name in it or if they told me directly that it was about me. Maybe they know that I'm right and they are just trying to defend themselves...I dunno. It's like i get online and I'm bombarded by chicks saying "I'm pissed at u why did u write that about me." and stuff like that. I try to explain to them that I love my net chicks, it's just some choice local ones that piss me off...well I guess there are some that aren't local that piss me off too. Ohhhh, how about the kind of woman that blows up at anything? You could say Hey and they flip on u. Then u ask them what's wrong and either they say nothing or they just ignore u or the curse and spit at u. I mean I don't think it is that hard for people to share what is bothering them. I know I don't have a problem with it. In fact I would love for someone to share their feelings with me...I mean noone shares stuff with me (except my bro'z). Well i think that is all for today...just think about what I said about the women just flip out on ya and u'll see that I'm right about their reactions. Lates all (oh and this is not directed to anyone in particular, jets telling what I knwo from past experiences.) Sooooo, GoodBYE to all.


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     well here's a little story from the Freshmaker, hope u enjoy. Hmmm….. I think it’s time for the Freshmaker to interject. I also, if you know me, have mucho girl problems, But I’m gonna address leading on. I hate this more than anything else girls do. They just act like they’re all sweet on you, then, BAM! Rejection. Again. I swear they do it just to irritate us, and get us all, “excited” (heh heh) over nothing. Like, for example, Mrs. X. She’s a classic obsession of mine. She always acted all cute to me, joking around, and stuff like that. So, one day I was walking past her, and she smacks me on the ass. So, I just shrug it off, figuring she didn’t mean to, but then she does it again the next day. And, she said about getting me alone with her, so I, of course, ask her out. And, of course, she says no? What the hell is that? And, then, the next day, she’s STILL flirting with me! What the hell? I don’t get it, maybe it’s an estrogen thing, but I wouldn’t do that to a girl, so why do they do it to us? And this is only Mrs. X. There was also Ms. AA. She has to be the kicker, although I’m not as into her as Mrs. X., but I’m still into her. And she’s always like, head? Yeah, heh heh heh, but yet again, you ask for that damn relationship, and they’re all like, NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL? – Mentos

Mento's Webpage, check out the Freshness!!!


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     Hehe, well today I think I shall be discussing two faced women. Oh and I did get my pic.s back from Myrtal Beach and guess who was in there...Ms. H. I dunno if I should scan in the pics and show u all who messed me up so bad or not. I dunno. Well ok, now onto today's topic, Two Faced Women. Ok, have u ever found urself listening in on two different conversations? One u were talking to someone and the next u were just like eavesdropping on the conversation? Well I have once or twice. And let me tell u, women are just down right evil when they aren't talking to u face to face. I mean, jeez, one minute they are like no man ur cool and the next they are like, damn I hate that kid. What tha heck? I wish people would tell me the truth when they talk to me, I try my hardest to be honest with the women I talk to. Can't they be the same way with me. I have nothing to hide, if I did then I wouldn't be writing this page. It wouldn't get to me that much if it wasn't a key part to my relationships, is it that hard to be honest to someone you talk to or to someone that you are friends with? No, it shouldn't be, honesty is a big part of my friendships/relationships...due to this honesty I was able to ruin two friendships in the course of a weekend. Hey, but I feel better for telling the truth...I don't like to lead people on, if they aren't attractive to me and they ask me if they are, then I'm gonna tell them my opinion. I'm not gonna lie to them and try to stomach being around them. There is no reason for that, plus when u lead someone on it just gets harder and harder to break relations with them plus they get the wrong impression of u. What can I say, I'm shallow, i can't help that, that is the way that I am. Looks don't matter as much as personality does to me but they both count. personality is probable 60%-70% of a person to me, the other 25%-30% is looks (another 5% 0r more could be like habits, i.e. Smoking or drugs). A bad combination of drugs and not so pleasing looks is enough for me to lower relations with that person so they don't think that I am leading them on. This probably means nothing ot most of u people but it means something to at least two of u that will probably never read this. Well talk to you later...sorry this didn't have much to do with two faced women but it is hard to talk about two faced people without mentioning names. Lates all, tell me if I should scan in those pic.s of Ms. H. from my vacation...peace out, thanks to all who support this!!


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     I've noticed that repsonses have kinda died down a bit which is good and bad...well maybe I'll just have to see what I can do. I like the points that j. james h. (I think that is what the nick was) put in the guestbook. But one of my favorites is vacation girls. Probably just cuz I'm not used to them but now I know how they work. Basically chicks on vacation don't give a damn about u, they are just gonna use u for a good time. Well if u are a nice guy they'll just use u for a good time. For example, D'Lo knows this one cuz he was there, but on a recent vacation I met what I thought was a really nice girl named Ms. H. (just to keep names out of this). Well her and I spent a good amount of time together, even walking on the beach late at night...It was great. But then I realized that she didn't really care about me...but it was too late the emotional strings had already been in place. So I was going over the time we spent together in my those were great times. Probably the brightest part of the vacation but on my last day we met up with them and hung out for a good hour or two but then we had to go out to eat so I told her. Well we got back and it was getting late so I went out looking for her even though it was drizzling out. After about a hour or so, I didn't find her and I was all wet. But then just before I was gonna give up, I saw her...but she was with another guy! I mean damn! It's my last day and she is with another guy that she just met...well we swung around and found her on the road that they were traveling we cross their path and she's like Jeff wait, so I wait...she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheak and goes back to hang out with the other guys that they just met...even though the other guys even told her to go with us. I just didn't understand it till I thought it over and over again, and I've concluded that I didn't mean anything to her...just another guy to jerk around with...well that is my story for today. Lates


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     I see that u all have enjoyed this page immensely...well except Erin...but u can't please everyone. I don't understand why she took everything to heart? Maybe she thought I was directing it to her...but I wasn't. So I don't see what the problem is...and the comment about me being upset cuz she wouldn't go out with me, well that just plain hurts. I thought her and I were pals. Yep...Just as I suspected (women always stirring up trouble) hehe. Well I'm gonna take it on the head for that one. But I don't care. I didn't mention names but she thought I was talking about her so I guess I could unleash on her but I'm not going to. I'm not her bitch anymore...I just pray that her current bitch realizes what he is getting himself into. Well that is all for today I guess...unless u would like me to go on about how unforgiving women are. Just thought I'd use that to refresh my memory from last time. So look in here for any responses to ur guestbook signings. And I hope that Erin and I can still do that joint page...but now I have to get going, lates all!
Oh and a BIG UP to my BRO'z that stuck behind me (D'Lo, Kenny, Mentos, Nizzard) oh and another BIG UP to Ms. Flynn, DANKE SCHON!!!! Now I'm outy.


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     This is where I shall rant and rave about my recent women troubles. The most recent being everyone hates me!!!! I mean I could see why some do but I don't see why the others do. I have the worst luck with women. I'm always getting screwed when it comes to relationships. You know that phraze Nice Guys Finish Last...well it is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, 100% GAURENTEED TO COME TRUE!!!!! I try to be a nice guy and all that happens is I get used, abused, and tossed to the side. As far as all the local ladies are concerned...well from the ones that I know...u are all evil!!!! It may be just a few rotten apples but hey it sure spoiled my whole view of this area's women!!!! Every single relationship I try to step up or I try to get closer to a girl has ended badly...maybe someday I'll go into them but not at the present moment. But I'll be writing about all my troubles in here...if u have any thoughts just drop them in my guestbook. Well for all the girls that I know of right now that aren't mean to me or use me or stuff like that (well only one name comes to mind) and that is Courtney (I so envy Dave man) he knows how to pick them. Well best of luck Court and Dave...I'm glad u both found if I could just find someone. Later all and remember guys...BRO'Z BEFORE HO'Z!!!!

****I don't mean to bad mouth all women. Just a certain few (won't mention names). But Brandy wanted me to put this up so I did. There are a lot of local cool chicks but there are those few that just ruin it. I am normally a nice guy. To find out just like email me or find me on ICQ (nickname-FAYGO).****


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