Alois Strasil Hartmann
He was born the 20th of June 1891, in the region of Moravia, Austria- Hungary, now Czech Republic.
On October 23rd of 1907 he arrived in New York, from there in 1911 he traveled to Ecuador, South America, then to Panama in 1912. He did not want to live in Panama city, he was in search of adventure, so he followed the telegraph lines to Chiriqui province.
During WW1 the 28th of April 1918 he was taken prisoner, and transported to Ellis Island, New York, along with other European residents of Panama. When he was released he returned to Panama and married Susana Troetsch, the daughter of a German immigrant and they had their first child in 1920 named Ratibor Hartmann Troetsch, who later founded Finca Hartmann.
Alois was the 1st resident of Volcan, there he took charge of 2000 head of cattle and 1000 donkeys property of a Mr. Landberg.
He later worked 4 years in Boquete in the Panamonte Hotel, then returned to work in Volcan for Mr. Landberg, and later started his first coffee farm. He named the farm “Tizingal” which means “Mine of the Stars” in the Guaymie dialect. He was in search of this mine and was always interested in locating archeological sites.
He later sold Tizingal and moved to La Silla de Pando where he also cultivated coffee. Here his first wife Susana died while being pregnant with their 11th child.
Alois sold the farm and moved to Santa Clara, the first pioneer in the area, here he also cultivated coffee, he remarried and had 4 other children.
In 1950, because of his knowledge of the area and Panamanian archeology, he collaborated with the National Geographic Magazine and they named him “the Daniel Boone of Panama”. (February 1950 Edition, Exploring Ancient Panama by Helicopter).
He died the 25th of May in the year 1970 at the age of 78.