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Science Coffee


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Finca Hartmann consists of two farms, one called Ojo de Agua

and the other one Palo Verde, they are 2 miles apart.

Ojo de Agua
ojo de agua
small cabin
il forno

The land use is predominantly shade-grown coffee, under towering remnant rainforest trees, and intact pre-montane highland forest that serves as a buffer zone to Parque Internacional La Amistad. At elevations between 4000-6000ft there are a number of accessible dirt roads that pass through many habitat types that are excellent for birding, hiking and exploring.

We have 2 cabins for rent:

Small rustic cabin with 1 bedroom, a bathroom w/hot water, and an equipped kitchenette (no electricity).


Big rustic cabin with 2 floors, 6 bedrooms, a bathroom w/hot water, equipped kitchen and a fireplace (no electricity).


You need a 4x4 vehicle to get to the cabins, otherwise you can arrange for transportation from Palo Verde (main farm) to Ojo de Agua.



Palo Verde

Also known as Finca Hartmann: the land use is also predominantly shade-grown coffee under rainforest trees. At an elevation of  4100ft, average temperature 55-80oF and average rainfall 4500mm. There are some trails and dirt roads you can walk through the farm. There is also an attractive small museum containing bug collections and indigenous artifacts.


Great place for:
-Birding and
-Learning about coffee.



“They are interested in attracting more birders and nature enthusiasts there because of the risk involved with operating their farm predominantly with but one crop. Rather than convert their land to cattle pasture or sun coffee, the Hartmann family wishes to diversify into other environmentally sustainable business activities, such as environmental tourism, that will help protect their magnificent surroundings. They have an excellent location and variety of habitats to find birds including many Neo-Tropical migrants and a number of the endemic birds of the region”.
Written by Alan Williams     

For prices and reservations call
Aliss Hartmann (507)6450-1853

or send your e-mail to:


When you are in the Volcan area

and want to enjoy

authentic italian cuisine


il forno Ristorante

phone: 771-5731


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Last Updated Design: 15 November 2008 by Julioe Vera