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  Politicians Unleashed: MMA

"All politicians are natural born allies..."

This statement very well holds true as one can easily witness its enactment during this pre-poll period of horse trading and political adjustments. New alliances are being formed, old associations set aside, new parties launched, new friends being made... all this and more in the dirty world of Pakistani politics.



Leaders of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal [MMA] raised their hands in a show of strenght and unity marking a successful public convention last week at the infamous Liaqat Bagh - the political hub of activity in the twin cities.
The muslim clerics talked tough against the government support of US operations on Islamist movements and promised to talk 'eye-to-eye with the US when in power'.

Muslim fundamentalsits in Pakistan have had their days but with the current scenario prevailing in Pakistan, their days are surely numbered. Musharraf government has pledged all out support for US war-against-terror although much of the mess was Pak-made in the first place.

This background makes the MMA deserve all the increased attention it is getting these days with anti-US feelings growing in the public. MMA is thus cashing in on this very issue proclaiming the present government pro-western and anti-Islamic and promising the establishment of a true 'Islamic Society'. Just what that phrase means is no one's headache as all these promises will soon be left behind alongwith banners and posters of this meaningless political campaign once the elections are over and candidates in the Parliment.

Although the religious parties of Pakistan have always been in the background in past elections, however this time around, with the advent of alliance politics, this religious alliance in the form of MMA has been able to make its mark on a national level. Religious parties had mostly enjoyed small pockets of support in rural areas and among urban middle-class of all four provinces but now thier conjoined efforts have culminated in formation of one of the strongest contenders for majority in Parliment.

What remains to be seen is how or if these clerics utilise this platform in favour of nationwide religious support. The MMA organised Train March could well have been a breakthrough had the mullahs had their way. Still now the MMA has not lost any ground with major chunks of support in NWFP, Karachi and rural Punjab alongwith few strong candidates in urban constituencies in the four provinces.

  1. a new constitution according to Lahore Resolution
  2. complete provincial autonomy
  3. reorganisation of government system and changes in the political and administrative structure
  4. speedy development of human resources for the welfare of the people
  5. new standard for the economic development under the new economic theory
  6. ensure the protection of lives and property and removal of old frustrated feudal system from the country.

  • Anti-US feelings are high among general population which is a plus point for any party denouncing US actions against Islam. MMA being a religious alliance has the upper edge.

  • Comprises mostly of older candidates having religious or military backgrounds.. may face problems in urban populations.


.:: VERDICT ::.

The reforms stated in MMA's manifesto are quite inspiring and perhaps even lucrative to a common man but just how the MMA would implement these reforms without much educational background is a mystery as most of leaders are hardly B.A or carry some religious degree. Pakistan economy needs more than just inspiring promises and the state of regional security demands a diplomatic approach towards such issues as handling US led war-on-terror. Religious fervour could be high on the streets but lacks practicality badly needed in present times. MMA would be lucky to get away with 30 or so seats in the Parliment.



Filed on September 28th 2002.


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