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  Politicians Unleashed: PTI

"Justice, Humanity and Self Esteem"...Agenda of Resurgence

Imran Khan maybe a highly skilled cricketer, trained and educated abroad who became a national hero by winning the 92 world cup, but when it comes to pakistani politics, skills and education are not all that count. His party, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf [PTI] launched in 1996, failed to win any seat in February`97 elections. There is little reason to believe PTI would do any better this time around.



Imran Khan spends his summers in grand mansions of the Goldsmith family to get away from exorbitant Lahori heat. His wife Jemima Goldsmith or Haiqa Khan has been surrounded by controversy ever since their marraige in 1995. This has gained momentum with the october elections in sight, some even accused Jemima of blesphamy upon the Salman Rushdi fiasco. With controversies surrounding the couple, will PTI make its debut this time around?

The Movement for Justice party [PTI] has been around for over half a dacade now. That may be enough for political maturity in any setup but in Pakistan's political jungle of liberals and fundamentalists fighting for domination and political parties under decades of family rule, new parties are formed and split within weeks, leaders switch sides with the blink of an eye, voters sell loyalties for thousands of rupees.. PTI could never have delivered in 1997 elections anyway. Many wish this will not be the case in October Elections 2002.

Indeed this time around, PTI seems to be more prepared and more focused. With Imran Khan incharge, team spirit and morale top the agenda, perhaps the reason why PTI guys seem so confident of their victory. PTI has been working on suburban populations chiefly, the target being the middle class voters. PTI candidates are mostly the newcomers with a few occasional strong ones, the rest may only put up a good fight.

Imran Khan himself is not sure of clinching a seat in Parliment, perhaps that is why he has decided to contest from a number of constituencies. His best chances of winning are in Abbottabad if 'political adjustment' works out.

The PTI manifesto is highly motivated but largely fictional. Here are only a few points worth mentioning out of the 26 point meandering context carried on their website.

  1. 50% increase in per capita income in 5 yrs
  2. 2 million new jobs each year
  3. 2 lakh new housing units each year with ownership rights to kachi abadi dewellers
  4. 100% literacy by 2010
  5. abolition of personal income tax
  6. Judicial reforms including Judicial Comission chaired by Chief Justice
  7. Debt management strategy, Tax and agricultural reforms

  • Social and Economic reforms seem well planned and worked up. If implemented properly, could revamp economy and uplift society.

  • Lack of political dealing and experiance can be overcome but lack of political will and attitude can easily take down Imran Khan alongwith PTI.


.:: VERDICT ::.

PTI's mission statement is highly ambitious, and perhaps even impossible for a 5 year term, if they secure it first however. The manifesto may be full of inspiring ideas but issues like economic and social uplift will take years of sustained development and reforms. Foreign policy and security issues like continued missile testing and demanding a permanent OIC seat in the UNSC can only be buffed as political tactics of alluring common folk. In reality however, PTI would be lucky enough to get away with a dozen or so seats in the parliment.



Filed on October 4th 2002.


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