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  Politicians Unleashed: PPPP

"hamein mulk sey baher bhi apney awam ka bahut fiqr rehta hai..."

Pakistan People's Party Parlimentarians [PPPP] as they are now called are said to be the largest party in these elections with the most number of candidates appearing throughout Pakistan. However with Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto in self-imposed exile, few believe PPPP has the capacity of securing an overwhelming majority in the Parliment.

Daughter of Pakistan

The Bhutto name commands a lot of respect, love and complete devotion in many places across Pakistan, from the vast farmlands of rural Sindh to the towering mountains of the Northern Areas. Benazir Bhutto is literally worshipped by her millions of followers who have devoted their lives for 'the cause of the country'. As she puts it herself, 'Pakistan is all I live for', even if she is in her grand Surrey Palace or some luxury appartment in London or on a desert safari around Dubai or spending some time with kids in the Al-Jameirah Mansion, the poor of Pakistan occupy her thoughts all the time. It is impossible to find such a devoted leader these days!

Benazir Bhutto, sometimes called as the 'Daughter of Pakistan' now spends her life in exile mostly in London or Dubai although the travelling seldom stops as she continues her 'mission for restoration of true democracy in Pakistan' - True democracy being her goverment. She has been speaking at various World forums, most of the times denouncing the military regime, sometimes even bringing bad name to Pakistan. But the Bhutto name carries all the charisma around it to arrtact world audiences, thus in a way she had been able to pressurise General Musharraf to comit himself towards restoration of democracy and October elections.

With a jailed husband back in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto has time and again said she would return home for elections but to date has not, and with the elections just a day from now there are little chances she would. Some believe even if her party wins a majority in Parliment, there are bleak chances of her returning at all. The big question always asked from her is ...If she is that concerned about Pakistan and its people..why does she not return and stand trial and be vindicated if she is clean as she claims to be..?

PPP Parlimentarians led by Amin Faheem may have been talking big throughout the campaign but could deliver little even if in power. Even though they have changed their name to avert some legal implications, PPP still maintains the same old feudal grip over party discouraging new leadership. Their candidates may be strong in their own constituencies but lack public appeal. The sort of appeal Benazir Bhutto had been able to generate among masses in previous campaigns is surely missing this time around but according to PPPP officials, 'public opinions are in their favour' and that it would be a 'clean sweep for the National Assembly seats'.

PPPP manifesto comprises of a large book published by the Parlimentarians which seems much like an essay on party achievements rather than the election manifesto. There is nothing new about the 30 points stated and is all quite similar to what is on show by many other parties.

Party achievements although were to a bare minimum in the two previous terms Bhutto served as the Prime Minister.

  • PPPP has somehow been able to gain strenght in many major cities across Punjab and NWFP apart from traditional strongholds in Sindh.

  • People still havenot forgotten the previous two terms PPP served and the dozen or so corruption cases Bhutto still faces.


.:: VERDICT ::.

PPPP will gain most from Sindh although candidates in cities like Islamabad and Lahore have fair chances too. Many believe PPPP will generate over 100 seats in the Parliment. My best guess would be around 60 seats at most likely although anything can happen in Pakistani elections anytime..



Filed on October 8th 2002.


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