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  "Jiskey Babey Uski Kursi.."

"unexpected win by religious right has put them in the spotlight"

Not all unexpected though, the MMA religious alliance was expected to capitalise on the post 9/11 anti-american feelings among Pakistanis especially along the border with Afghanistan but no one could have predicted such a majority in the national assembly. The religious clerics now hold the key to power as both PML[Q] and PPPP require MMA in forming a government.

Molvi Power

Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal, a conglomerate of six main stream religious parties; both factions of JUI, JUP, JIP, JAH and ITP; are now the key figure in any future coalition government as a consequence of the post-election hung Parliment. It is apparent that whoever the Molvis now choose to join will form the future government. Speculations among government officials are that they would choose the PML[Q] although there is ample chance that the MMA decides to join PPPP and PML[N] alongwith other anti-musharraf right wingers possibly MQM and independent candidates to form a coalition government.

The main drawback with MMA is that the Molvis are already having a hard time sticking together. Common goals brought them together but theological differences could easily tear them apart, leaving not only the MMA but the future coalition government that they decide to make, gasping for breath.


The possibility of MMA joining in with PML[Q] is more favourable for both the sides and could result in a stable coalition government although PML[Q] will have to surrender some ministries to the molvis.


Such a grand coalition is not at all impossible as they share similar feelings for musharraf and his reforms. But given the fact that all three parties had been past rivals, such a coalition would not be much stable to stand the test of time.


Some would ask is this even possible? Well, the current post-poll scenario clearly depicts all sides trying hard to fit in the future government rather than have to sit in the opposition. These people might have insulted and humiliated each other during the campaigns but are ready to share the seat of government!


.:: VERDICT ::.

No matter who they decide to form government with, the Molvis are in the Assemblies and that too in large numbers. Like it or not, these clerics with religious degrees from Madrassas will now hold the reins of power in Islamabad, legislate future laws and formulate economic and foreign policy. Few lucky ones would run a Ministry, hopefully not off a cliff though.
Is it the end of the line for Musharraf and his view of a moderate Islamic society?



Filed on October 12th 2002.


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