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  Pak-US honeymoon comes to an end..

Unprecedented win by the Mullahs in 10/10 polls may be one contributing factor, but this relation was bound to end sooner or later just as it did in the past. With ISAF already winding up operations in Karachi, American soldiers in Jacobabad are said to be packing up aswell. Musharraf's backing of War-on-terror has backfired in shape of overwhelming fundamentalist support in western provinces and some are already pointing fingers towards the ISI.

Tough times ahead for Musharraf..

No matter who forms the government in Islamabad in the coming days, be it with or without the MMA, the Mullahs will still hold power in the Northwest Frontier Province making American presence in the province impossible and possibly severe Islamabad's policy on War-on-Terror. Sooner or later, the US soldiers will withdraw completely from Pakistan, followed by US State Department security warnings issued to their citizens in Pakistan, similar to post 9/11 days. Pakistan may soon loose its "Top Spot" among the allies.

All this scenario is made even more complicated by the recent confession by North Korea [DPRK] of its secret Nuclear programme followed by allegations from the NewYork Times blaming Pakistan for aiding DPRK's nuclear programme by supplying gas centrifuges in return for Nondong missiles technology. DPRK ranks high in the notorious 'Rogue States Hall of Fame' of the US State Dept. Pakistan may soon join the club if things go the way they are now..

The US and Britain are set to attack Iraq within months, with or without a UN mandate. The Bush administration is bent upon a regime change in Iraq or in any other country that 'chooses to go astray'. Many muslim countries in the Gulf including Syria, Jordan and Yemen have already been asked to clean up their acts or face the wrath of Yankees. The mad-moron from Texas may be in the driving seat but many believe that Bush Senior is the one whose really incharge, wishes to settle score with Saddam Hussain. US allies in Europe however fail to agree with the Bushes, Germany and France being the most vocal. Although many people do support the idea of a regime change.. as long as it is in the US.


.:: VERDICT ::.

Musharraf might have thought of the post 9/11 era as his toughest battle, but things are only getting worse for him. With rumours of Bilal Musharraf - his son in the US, looking for a bigger house, some believe he would soon retire, many western diplomats think another military takeover in Islamabad is likely, some even fear a coup against Musharraf by fundamentalist elements in the Army.
So will Musharraf be able to survive this time around.. only time could tell.



Filed on October 20th 2002.


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