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writes Shamsul Arifin

Turning down all appeals from every country, putting aside International mandate and bankrupting the UN, America invaded Iraq. Now America has to bear the brunt of world's anger..


Now I think no other time could be as best for the Arabs as today to finish the brute force of US and it's illegitimate child, UK. Also this is the best time to solve the problem permanently created by Israel. Enemies have entered the house, now we have to only close the door and beat them to death.

Arabs must bear in mind that international mandate is against the US and UK. So this outlawed and outrageous coalition attack on Iraq must be considered an attack on every individual.

Before the war began, the Arab League passed a resolution saying the attack on Iraq will be considered an attack on all Arab nations. Why they are forgetting it now? And if they have not forgotten it, why they are not taking initiative?

First of all my suggestion for all the Arab Nations is that they should all completely, unconditionally and immediately withdraw their diplomatic relations with the US and Britain by shutting down their embassies and consulates there. And after severing their diplomatic relations with them they should immediately, forgetting and putting aside their petty internal differences, stand united to surround and attack the intruders (the coalition forces) in the Gulf. This is, in fact, the best time to do so because in this situation victory of the Arabs is sure and certain.

Also Arabs must not forget that today not only the Muslims but the entire world is against the US and Britain. Because these two devils have kicked out the international community and turned down every individual's request. It is therefore now everybody is curiously awaiting a forceful and fatal attack on US and Britain by the Arabs. The world is getting keenly desirous today to see the end of these two devils. In the present prevailing situation, this is my steely belief; if someone goes ahead against the US and Britain, he will get, not only moral but also material, support from all corner of the world. And so this is really a golden chance for the Arabs. If this royal chance is lost now, I don't think, at least in this century, such a favorable and appropriate opportunity will prevail again for the Arabs to solve the Palestine-Israel problem and get the world rid of the hawkish and blood-sucking American imperialism.

I appeal to the Arabs, if you believe in Allah, if you believe in the Day of Judgment then you must immediately leave your homes and move towards Iraq. I believe, Insha Allah-Tabarak-Wa-Tale you will be the winner, you will be the victorious. And certainly the end of the satanic regime will be there.

This war must be considered a holy war (Jihad) and so we must get ready to sacrifice everything in this war that we have been given by the Almighty Allah.



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