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Saher Honey Ko Hey -PTVWorld




Saher honey ko hey is the perhaps the only talkshow on our televisions today that concerns social issues and problems. Chaired by a talented host Saniya Saeed who is renowned for her work now takes on a different challenge of taming our wild society. She discusses the issues with a strong panel of guests that includes from ministers to journalists to human rights activists, plus an interactive audience makes this talk show stand out from rest of the crowd and a 'Must-See' for every concerned eye.

Now something about SHKH in detail..


The Host

Saniya Saeed is famous figure when it comes to Acting but even when she acted in plays she has always had this concern for projection of a cause. While working on TV she has voiced for women's rights and against domestic violence. 'Ahat', her first play featured a mother with only daughters and the problems that created for her in the society thereafter.

Saniya is said to be the pioneer of Street Theatre that is recognised for its works in the social sector. The Theatre was devised to project social issues instead of providing plain entertainment to the lower and middle class society in thier own neighbourhood. The group has been recognised Internationally and awarded for its efforts.

  • SHKH airs every Thursday 9:40pm PST/ 4:40pm GMT [after Khabarnama] on PTV World

    The Talk Show

    The array of guest speakers may have a different prespectives on social issues, as it happens when a bureaucrat gets stuck in this kind of a talk show, which leads to the healthy conversation between them, all along being herded by the host towards a common consensus that might help in resolving the issue concerned. In its short life time, the talk show has raised atleast some amount of concern within the society against many social issues like dowry, honour killings, fuedalism, child workers, and women rights etc.

    Although there still is a long way ahead, Saniya is determined to make this journey a success and we all hope and believe that this programme will go a long way in laying down foundations for a new pakistani society that would be more tolerant, reasoning and accepting. The Dawn is about to break indeed!



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