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RESCUE 15 -Islamabad



Capital Police

Islamabad Police has always been well armed and equipped because of the high profile persona it looks after but over the years public trust in police in general was lost owing to widespread corruption that was plaguing this department.

RESCUE 15 was thus launched to uplift the image of Police as the Savior of people...



In past, 15 was the number to dial when police help was required in pakistan yet ironically quite a few people ever made that distress call. They preferred to call a friend or relative rather than the police instead of involving the police in such matters of distress.

Today 15 is perhaps one of the most dialled number, atleast in Islamabad. Ever since its inaugral on the first day of the 21st century, its clients have dramatically increased. Especially in the current scenario of torrential rains in Islamabad, Rescue15 has saved countless lives and performed rescue operations all over the clamity hit city. Rescue15 sources reveal that they recieve about 500-700 calls every day and perfom rescue opertaions in response to them.

  • Rescue15 can be reached in case of an emergency by dialing 15 from any telephone.
    15 Online

    Rescue Center

    The rescue centre is equipped with modern communications facilities including wireless, Internet and centralized panic alarm system. It has 10 motor bikes, 8 patrol cars, 4 ambulances, mobile forensic laboratory and recovery vehicles at its disposal. The rescue 15 staff comprises three inspectors and 70 police officers of various ranks. The staff has been specially trained in rescue operations and first aid. The staff's spirit is high and motivated towards helping their fellow citizens.

    Although there still is a long way to go, Rescue 15 has shown that dedication and hardwork can make things happen even with limited resources. The days of lazy direct havaldars are over now!



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