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9th SAF GAMES 2001 Islamabad

SAF Games have come to Islamabad for the second time but this time, there is something different, something new in the air.

The SAF STARS CLUB as they call it has taken on the enormous task of raising funds for the Games,..would they be successful?



SAF Stars

The SAF Stars Club was formed to make these 2001 Games the first ever self financed games in the history. Although a bright idea, it lacked some practicallity since sports in an economically bed ridden country comes far down the line. However, still there are people who feel like spending on local sports and then there are those allured by the Million Rupee Cash Rewards on the line. All in all its been a good Marketing Campaign, the results of which could only be available after its all been assessed and finalised after the closure of Games.

The SAF Stars Club has organised a numer of events including Concerts by few big names in Southasian Music Industry which didnt go that well owing to lack of managment and advertising. Thousands of tickets were sold in black, on the day of concerts.

  • CeleberAsian At the core of the festivities planned for CeleberAsian, is the launch of the SAF Stars Club which is a deliberately planned effort to involve the public in the successful execution of the Games at hand. The benefits being offered to the members include free participation in a series of CeleberAsian events like Celebrity Cricket Matches and Concerts being held all over Pakistan.
  • SAF Stars Quiz is Pakistan's answer to Kon Baney ga Crorpati [KBC], which gained much popularity being first ever in Southasia. Owing to prime time availability on state owned PTV, the only TV station in the country, SAF Stars Quiz can be called a moderate success today since involvement of some national stars was deemed necessary to keepup the glamour of the game show. The price on offer is however not one Crore, but a Million only.
  • SAF Stars Club Postcards have been made avilable at all post offices throughout the country which have recieved average response, mainly again due to the Million Rupee Prize Tag attatched.
  • SAF Stars Club Keychains, same thing as the postcards. Buy a Rs 25 keychain and claim your name in the draw for Millions of Rupees.
  • SAF Games 2001
    Official Website


    This kind of mass marketing campaign is a first timer in Pakistan and its ultimate results are yet to be seen, wether our public would go for such trends is also yet to be seen. Whatever the results, however, they would shape the future of such grand events in the country especially on an International level.

    Like the organisers, we all hope that the Games are a success and play an imperative role in shaping our future of Southasia. Also the success or otherwise of SAF Stars Club would only be vital for its organisers, since its already started this new field of mass marketing and public involvement in international events which will go a long way in shaping a healthy society.



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