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YES. At first I thought SNK was screwing up big time by not selling this wonder machine in retail chains around the world. Now I see that They are starting to sell at which will most definitely boost their sales. They are gradually moving up in the market until they send the NGPC to the stores in America (Sept.). I also think that they are doing this to be able to sell with dreamcast. Since they are going to be able to be linked, they figure if someone buys KOF 99 for dreamcast and sees KoF R-2 on the shelf next to it, they will be more likely to buy it. They will be boosting each others sales.

When NGPC hits store Shelves in September it is going to gradually get a bigger and bigger following from the retail market. Until then we will be ordering from the web.

In other words, I think SNK is going in the right direction.

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