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21 June 2000

In case you haven't heard (which I doubt), the NGPC will no longer be supported in any region except Japan.

SNK was recently purchased by Aruze, who decided to discontinue support for the NGPC in all territories outside of Japan. This means that NGPC gamers who live outside of Japan will have to import their games from now on.

For my commentary on this situation, visit the Question of the Moment section.

Also, Adam S. and Todd E. have been added to the Players' Connection, and Alex C.'s contributions to Top NGPC Games You'd Like to See have been added to the Specials section as well.

I've also updated the What's a NeoGeo Pocket? section to reflect the current status of the NGPC and removed the link to SNK USA in the links section since the site is no longer there.

And on another note... it's NGP Central's birthday!

This site was launched on or about June 21, 1999. To be honest, I don't remember the exact date anymore, but it was within a few days of June 21. ^_^` I'm pretty sure the Message Board was indeed launched on June 21, however, so that's why I'm considering it to be NGP Central's birthday. ^_^

I'd like to thank everyone who has made NGP Central what it is! Without your support, NGP Central could not have been a part of the NGP community for over a year now. Thanks again!

And with that, I must unfortunately announce the NGP Central main site's semi-retirement. For those of you who have been following NGP Central these past few months, you know that updates have been few and far between. There have been some things happening in my life these past months that have caused me to be unable to update as often as I otherwise would have liked to.

Since I am unsure when and if I will be able to pay more attention to the site, I am announcing this semi-retirement. I don't want to call it a complete retirement, since I'm not saying that there will NEVER be another update. I'm just not sure when the next one will be. Still, if you have anything you'd like to contribute to NGP Central, please email me at, and I'll get back to you ASAP about your contribution.

Also, I still fully plan on running the Message Board as I always have. It is much lower maintenance than this, the main site, so I am able to continue to run it.

Please don't hesitate to email me or catch me on the Message Board if you'd like to contact me.

Thanks again for your support! NGP Central would not be what it is without your contributions!


7 May 2000

Alleluia! An update!

It's been about a month and a half since I last updated, and I'd like to apologize to those of you who have sent me the submissions that appear in this update. I've held onto them for a long time, and I really should have posted them earlier. But life happens sometimes, and due to some personal reasons, I either haven't had the time or the motivation to work on the site.

Please keep sending in things though! I'm on summer vacation now, so I have a little more time. I promise to get them up a little more promptly next time.   ^_^

Anyway... Here's what's new:

And as a final note, NGP Central is almost 1 year old! Around June 21, 1999, NGP Central was launched. I can't remember the exact day I launched the site, but I know it was within 1 or 2 days from June 21 if it wasn't exactly on that day. ^_^`

23 March 2000

BJ Witts sent me a picture depicting "The REAL Match of the Millennium." Curious? Have a look at Art Donated to NGP Central in the Specials section!

Neogeopc added to the Links section.

Neo-Panama added to Players' Connection.

27 February 2000
Bean's Card Fighters' Clash strategy guide continues!
This one provides a nice translation of CFC's SNK-glish with the new "How the heck do you use this card" guide. Find it in the Specials section to see what those confusing cards actually do!

Rob C.'s Top Games You'd Like to See on the NGPC also added to the Specials section.

22 February 2000
Part 2 of Bean's SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash Strategy Guide added to the Specials. This one's called "BaiBai," and with a name like that, how can you not want to see what it's all about? :)

Malcolm's email address changed to in Players' Connection.

13 February 2000

New logo added! I think we can all agree that this one looks much better than the old one. This great logo was made by Andy ( ). Thank you very much!

Actually, I have 1 other logo from him that I might rotate in between updates, since I still can't decide which of the 2 I like better. :)

Also added to the Specials section: An SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash strategy guide!

This comes to you from Bean ( ) . The strategy guide should come in installments, each one providing a deck and how you can use it. The first one is called "Depletion." If you own CFC, you won't want to miss this!

9 February 2000

The NGP Central facelift continues! I redesigned the Reader Reviews section so that it's much easier to look at. Now everything's on one centralized list as opposed to a separate lists for each game.

Speaking of which...

Reader Review of SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium by Daniel O. added. I actually added screenshots to this one!

MillnDBill and OvrDose added to Players' Connection.

27 January 2000

Athena added. :)

C.K. Gan's Reader Review of Samurai Shodown! 2 added.

Mike Nathan, Jeff, and Malcolm added to Players' Connection.

Dietmar K.'s, Aeonblue's, and Mike Nathan's entries added to Top NGPC Games You'd Like to See in the Specials section.

13 January 2000

Reader Review for Fatal Fury: First Contact by FatalStrikes added.

New poll added.

By the way, do any of you have a response for December 21's Question of the Moment yet? The question is, "What do you think of the NGPC scene at the end of 1999?" What I'm really asking is how you think the NGPC has done so far. Certainly someone out there has an opinion about this!

I've updated more frequently than usual lately, so be sure to check out the Updates section to see if you've missed anything!

7 January 2000

Reader Review for Sonic Pocket Adventure by Daniel O. posted.

2 January 2000

Here comes another big update! Here's what's new:

A new Special has been added called, "Art Donated to NGP Central." People have sent me various pieces of art that they've put together, and now you get to see their work!

A Reader Review by Daniel O. for Metal Slug: 1st Mission has been posted.

NGP Go! added to the Links section.

Fatal Strikes, Don Paco, and CDNvsGBC added to the Players' Connection.

Hendo Man's and Serra's entries added to the Special feature Top NGPC Games You'd Like to See.

21 December 1999

I hope everyone is having happy holidays! Here's what's new:

A new Question of the Moment, "What do you think about the NGPC scene at the end of 1999?" has been posted.

Be sure to send your own thoughts on this to ! I'm very interested in knowing how you all think the NGPC has done so far, and I'm sure a lot of other people are too.

Moving along...

H3Q and neogeo POCKET house added to the Links section.

Links to goat_tea, NeoGeo Pocket Shock, and SNK Dojo removed due to the presumed death of these sites. Sorry! If you run any of these sites and wish to have the links put back, please email me at .'s and's entries added to Top NGPC Games You'd Like to See in the Specials section.

Florus, Rev. Kamimiaku, and Hendoman added to Players' Connection.

Have a Happy New Year!

28 November 1999

Whew! College is relentless! It's a shame I haven't been able to update more often, but surviving school has to come first. Keep sending things in though! I promise I'll post 'em up eventually! :)

Speaking of which, here's what's new:

Corin Grieves added to the Players' Connection.

Enola's entries for Top NGPC Games You'd Like to See added in the Specials section.

4 November 1999

Larry D.'s ( ) Top Games list added in Specials.

21 October 1999

NGP Central is now providing access to a new chat room!

The chat room comes from mogload ( ), who hopes that this chat room will become the standard for NGPC chat rooms. How will that work? Hopefully, other NGP sites will soon provide access to this same chat room, meaning that you can chat in the same room no matter which NGP site you're on! It's a great idea since it brings the readers of several NGP sites together, meaning there's less of a chance of finding an empty room! Please note that I'm only providing 1 way to access this chat room. It is fully run and operated by mogload.

It's a great chat room, so go strike up a conversation already! :D