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Ravenflight's ( ) answer:

Cardboard versus plastic boxes? I have never seen so much time and effort devoted to discussing such a totally worthless subject. Who in their right mind cares one way or the other? Are there really serious game players out there that care so much what the packaging is made out of? Are these the same people who will pay 5.00 more for a box of cereal if it comes in a plastic box versus a cardboard one? What do these so called gamers do with these boxes that makes them worthy of such contention I hesitate to ask? Do plastic boxes enhance the pleasure of the game? Do they add replay value? What do you do with this precious plastic box after you open it? Do you frame it? Do these people talk to these boxes like they do their collection of Beanie Babies? Give me a break. Can't we find something more interesting to discuss such as Is KOF better than SS2 and what's the scoop on the 32 bit version of the Pocket?

Eclipse's ( ) response:

First, the question of whether KOF R-2 is better than SS!2 has been discussed on the Message Board. If you or anyone else wishes to begin that discussion again, you can post on the Message Board or send me a lenghty response to be posted in a new Question of the Moment. And at the time I'm writing this, the 32-bit NeoGeo handheld is actively being discussed on the Message Board as well. Suggestions for new Questions are always welcome! Basically, if there's a topic that interests you, bring it up! That's what NGP Central is all about. But also respect the fact that other people may want to talk about things that don't interest you.

Now, for the issue you've brought up:

If you're already well informed about a product, it would be pretty idiotic to not buy it simply because of the material of its packaging. However, if you're not thoroughly informed on a product, the packaging would probably influence you in some way, even if its influence is minute.

In other words, even though it doesn't affect the quality of the product inside, the appearance of the packaging DOES matter, especially for something you're not totally positive you want to buy.

For exmaple, take a diamond ring. Would you be more inclined to buy a diamond ring that came in a thin, plain brown box, or one that came in a hard, cloth container with padding inside? If both rings were of the same quality and cost the same, you'd certainly buy the one in the better-looking case.

I think it's this kind of concept which is the basis of this discussion. Do the cardboard boxes significantly detract from the image of quality vs. the plastic boxes to the point where it would hurt SNK significantly, or do the cardboard boxes make sense? Even though (hopefully) most people know that the game itself will be equally enjoyable no matter what the packaging, packaging still matters.

Ravenflight's ( ) reply:

Well you bring up an interesting point in comparing say a Tiffany Diamond ring in a cloth and wood box versus a diamond ring bought in the New York wholesale Diamond exchange in a cheap cardboard or maybe just a clear plastic ziploc bag- to say snk's choice of cardboard over plastic packaging. Now assuming both diamonds were the same size and weight, same quality and both with equivalent GIA certificates guess which one will cost three times as much? Now personally I would rather pay 5800.00 for a 1 carat IF clarity H color GIA certified diamond from a diamond merchant than pay 15,000.00 for that same diamond at Tiffanys in the fancy box- but that's just me. I realize that there are plenty of people that will be influenced more by packaging than the quality of what's inside. Look at how many copies of Myst were sold- A completely worthless and unplayable piece of...but I digress.

As I was saying, SNK's motto 'For the Serious Gamer' would tend to imply that Snk is trying to target their product to people who are more intelligent and mature than say the audience Nintendo is trying to target. Maybe even mature enough to realize its the game they want to pay for, not the slick packaging. There's no denying the fact that slick packaging adds cost. And there are way too many examples of really slick packaging trying to influence the gullible masses into buying some really worthless piece of trash software. In fact, when I look at a really outrageously slick box for a PC game my first thought is usually "This is probably a real piece of crap game". If SNK wants to issue 2 versions of 'SNK v Capcom' one in a slick plastic box with gold trim for 49.00 and the same game in a cheap cardboard box for, say, 29.00 I can tell you which one I'll be buying. How about you?

Eclipse's ( ) response:

Good points! To answer your question, I'd buy the cheaper one, but I was talking about the market at large as opposed to me personally. Other than that, I really don't have anything else to add that I didn't already say above.

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