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SNK vs. Capcom: CFC Strategy Guide


Deck Name: BaiBai
Deck Author: Bean ( )
Last Updated: 2/21/00
Theme: Offensive Nightmare

Terry x3
Yamazaki x3
Krauser x3
Geese x1
Haomaru x3
Yashiro x3
Wild Iori x3
Akari(p) x1

Ryu x3
Sagat x2
Bison x2
Akuma x3
Juli x1
Juni x1
Jin Saotome x3
Zero Akuma x3
Hiryu x3
Haggar x1
Mech Zangief x3

Awakening x1
Showtime x2
Tri-Quiz x2

Ok, so you've logged over 100 hours into your Card Fighter game. You've traded with your friends who have the other version of the game and you've got all the cards you'll ever need from both versions. Mask quakes in fear when he hears you coming. What's left to do? Build the most nasty, unfair, bruiser of a deck the world has ever seen. Last time I showed you how to build an impressive defensive deck and this time it's pure offense baby!

Here's the basic principle: Cards with mainly 1000 BP or higher, plus your standard assortment of frightening triangle ability cards that will have you winning games in 3 or 4 turns with regularity. Your match with this deck will resemble the same thing every time you play it. First, gain the card advantage, then attack till the enemy screams uncle. Here's what to do if your opponent gets to go first: Start gaining the card advantage. You want to make it so at the end of your turn, you have at least one more card on the table than the opponent. Cards that can gain this advantage for you are: Jin Saotome (see the '2 for 1' section on my previous deck), Haggar, and Akari(p). For Jin, use the 2 for 1 strategy, for Haggar and Akari(p), put them out after the opponent goes first, on his 2nd turn he'll probably attack you with the first card he put out. Block it with Haggar and Akari ONLY if they'll still live. Then on your next turn, immediately use their abilities to clear the table. Voila! You now have the card advantage. Let the carnage begin. Start by putting out your highest BP character (preferably Geese or Zero Akuma). Your opponent will put out a card. Now it will be your turn again. Here's where you will use one of the following cards: Akuma, Yashiro, Wild Iori, or Yamazaki. These cards will destroy, freeze, or put back into the opponents hand whatever they put out, clearing the way for the first card you put out (again, preferrably a Geese or Zero Akuma). They'll put out another card, and then on your turn, you'll put out another one of the 4 characters mentioned earlier. Now the path is clear for the finishing blow. A 3 turn Triumph. Nasty Nasty stuff. This is the pinnacle of offense, even if you put out a Mech Zangief or Krauser card for your first card. Because now you've got at least 5 SP to spare to beef up your guys using Tri-Quiz, Showtime, or Awakening.

This is near the top of how a truly offensive deck should look. Not everyone is at this level in the game yet, I understand. But there are a few things to take away from this deck even if you can't match it card for card.

CARD ADVANTAGE: Like I stated before. You always want to have at least one more card on your end of the table than the opponent at the end of your turn. Even if one of them is a low BP character, at the very least the option to Unite attack is there. Which leads me to my 2nd point regarding offensive decks...

KEEP A SUPPLY OF SP HANDY: You'll be using SP for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only in a purely offensive deck. Unite attacks, and beefing up your characters' BP using action cards. Cards like Krauser and Mech Zangief are sent from heaven when it comes to this. Both give you 1200 BP plus the max of 5 SP for a character card. Can't beat that. You may want to experiment with putting in Psyche Up! Cards in your deck as well. Just ask yourself, how important is getting SP for unite attacks in your particular deck? Would I rather get a Psyce Up! card or an Akuma card in my opening hand?

CLEAR A PATH: Remember these 4 cards: Akuma, Yashiro, Yamazaki, Wild Iori. These are the most potent cards in the game, because they 'clear a path' for your characters to attack by KO-ing, Freezing or putting cards in the oppontents end of the table back into their hand.

CHEAP SUBSTITUTES: In the beginning of the evolution for this deck, don't be afraid to use cheap subtittutes for the stronger cards that I have listed. Iori was made for offensive decks, and best of all, he's only a C-class card. You won't be using him to block, so his "cannot block" special ability won't hurt you at all.

THIS DECK SHOULDN'T BE LEGAL: This deck can really only be beaten with another deck using a similar strategy. Just about any other deck you play against will fall like a house of... well... cards. What me and my friend have done is institute some special rules for our decks so it forces us to use different cards. Some of the rules we use are "Only one card of any one card type." That way, we both don't have 3 Akumas in our deck. We're forced to only use one. "No A or S-type cards allowed" or "only one A-type and one S-type card allowed".... you get the point. Once you get as high as you can get in the game, the challenge should be how you can use the cards that aren't obviously the best. That can breath life into a game that you've beaten upside the head a thousand times.

Have fun experimenting with this deck and creating your own "offensive nightmare" version. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at .

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