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SNK vs. Capcom: CFC Strategy Guide
S012 You can KO any character in your own ring. Whatever BP the character that was KOed has is then added to Chong Shu's BP. This action freezes Chong Shu.
S016 Unlike other characters, Alfred can attack the turn he comes into play. Nice for a quick surprise that your opponent isn't expecting. And I know what you're thinking. NO you cannot back him up the turn he comes out. Sorry. :(
Haohmaru Define "this". Define "attacked". Not much they could have done to make this card any harder to understand.... At any rate, this is how it works: If this character attacks, and it's blocked by a 600 BP character, 600 damage will go to that character, 600 will go to Haomaru, and 400 will go to the opponent directly. It's kind of like having a unite attack built into one character. Very useful ability.
Genjuro Well, again, we must redefine the word "this". For Genjuro, it actually means Genjuro. Genjuro cannot block. Try using "Substitute" to give an enemy character his ability.
The Ump This card looks useless, but CAN be used for something interesting. You can once again use the "Substitute" card to give an opponents character The Ump's ability. Then that card is rendered useless because it won't be able to attack or block. BUT.... you must keep in mind: If you do a unite attack, circle attacks are nullified. So, if you give The Ump's ability to an opponents Krauser card, you're not in the clear quite yet. All the opponent needs to do is use Krauser in a unite attack, and it'll be able to 'beat' that ability. Try it out in different decks. Sometimes, it can be quite useful.
Iori See Genjuro.
S100 When Shigen counterattacks any unite attack, his damage is applied to the united attack as if the united attack is one person. For example. A 300 BP and 1000 BP character perform a united attack against you with the 300 BP character as the first character in the attack. You block with Shigen. Shigen will apply 300 damage to the 300 BP character, killing that guy. Shigen will also take 300 damage from that. Then Shigen will deal his remaining 200 damage to the 1000 BP character bringing him down to 800 and Shigen will then be killed. The remaining 800 damage of the united attack is reduced to nothing because of Shigen's special power. This works even if Shigen is blocking 3 characters. If three, 1000 BP characters use a level 3 united attack, and Shigen blocks, Shigen will be killed, and do 500 damage to the first character of the united attack. Then the rest of the damage is reduced to zero.
Akari This time, you've got to change 'Selects' to 'Discards'. You select a card from your hand, then discard it... THEN Akari's BP becomes the same as the selected card's. Quite a useful card if done at the right times. Some decks will be able to make more use of it than others.
Athena No matter what Athena's current BP level is at, she will always deal 600 damage to the enemy. Excellent if she only has 100 or 200 BP... not so excellent if you've powered her up to 1000 BP. Keep in mind, once again, that using Athena in a unite attack nullifies this ability, and you will deal exactly how much BP she currently has.
M. Bison This wording can get confusing if you overanalyze it. You get exactly one Juni card AND one Juli card added to your hand from your deck everytime you play an M Bison card. If you're out of Juni cards in your deck, you'll only get one Juli card, and vice versa. This is a great card, because it guarantees you'll be able to back Bison up to a possible 1100 BP on the next turn. Plus, you're getting 4 SP out of him.
Guy If you are attacking with Guy, and the enemy has one or zero characters on the table, then Guy is unblockable.
Makoto See Shigen.
Twelve Yes, if this character couterattacks a united attack, his BP will equal the entire united attacks, thereby nullifying it. GREAT card for defensive decks.
B.B. Hood Soooo, I guess SNK figured that the game was too easy, and they needed to make some of the cards impossible to figure out, huh? Here's how this card REALLY works: You get to pick one enemy character. That character is destroyed, then B.B.Hood is returned to your pile. Yeah, that's EXACTLY what the description SNK gave us is supposed to mean... riiiiiight...
Q-Bee Umm.. okay. What the hell is THAT supposed to mean? It means: When you play a Q-Bee card, you then get to pick out every Q-Bee card in your deck and put them in your hand.
Batsu Normally if you just put out a character, it can't immediately use it's (square) abilities until the next turn. With Batsu out on your table, you can use square abilities the first turn your characters come into play.
C095 Oh, that makes sense... right? Well here's what this card REALLY means: If Option is in the ring, you can give characters back-up the turn they come into play. SO, if you play a Bison card (which lets you draw a Juli and Juni card immediately and put them in your hand) then you could immediately go ahead and give Bison back up with Juli OR Juli (not both). This also works if you have 2 Option cards in your hand. You can put one option card out into play, where his ability will come into immediate effect. Then you can give him backup with the 2nd option card immediately. Not a bad ability for a D-rarity card.
C105 Doing this turns the other character into the exact Zombie card. So, the next turn, he could go ahead and turn one of your cards into a Zombie card again... Be careful using this card.
C117 If you have no cards in your hand, Nina is unblockable. There. Was that so hard?
A051 Basicly this means you can back-up characters in your ring more than once in the turn you play the Activate! card. For example: You play Bison your first turn, which puts a Juli and Juni card in your hand. On your next turn, you have enough SP (4) to play Activate! and then backup Bison with Juli and Juni at the same time. If you had a Cammy(a) card, you could also use her to back him up that turn too. So Activate! basicly turns off the "one backup per character per turn" rule for one turn.
A053 I think this one may take the award for being the most cryptic card in the set (tied with 'Option'). It took me awhile to figure out how the hell to use this card. Here's how it works. Say it's your turn, and you have no characters on the table. You can play a character card, then play 'SP Partner', which will then allow you to play yet another character card. So basicly this card allows you to put out an extra character during that turn. You can't play 3, though, unless you played another SP Partner card after putting out the 2nd character. This can be a devastating card, especially after using a card or ability that clears the table of all characters. As soon as I figured out what this card did, I included it in one of my decks and got immediate results. The 7 SP cost is steep, but worth it in my opinion.
A060 "Why would I use this card?", you might ask... Well I illustrated one nice use for it in my "Depletion" Deck strategy, and I suggest you read it if you havn't already. But there's another question with this card that may come up: What happens to the cards that are put into the discard pile after you've played Dregs? Do they go back into your hand immediately? The answer is 'no'. The cards in the discard pile are put into your hand when you play Dregs, you don't start playing your hand directly from the discard pile. However, at the end of that turn, all the cards that were put into your hand are then put back in your discard pile, so you better get done what you need to in that one turn. Back to Specials. |