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Perspectives focuses on a number of issues related to God's inscripturated revelation, the Bible. This will include studies related to hermeneutics (i.e., interpreting Scripture), manuscript evidence (i.e., determining God's words), Bible versions, epistemology (i.e., what we know, and how we know it), the relation between revelation and reason, and other relevant subjects.
As always, we hope to promote sound thinking concerning the identity, meaning, authority, and application of God's Word, and to foster increased research into these foundational matters. All of these thoughts are based on the premise (derived from Scripture itself) that God has indeed spoken, and that--whatever else is true--His words are decipherable, believable, and beautiful. As such, the message of God warrants both our serious attention and wholehearted allegiance. May the Lord who gave us His Word continue to speak afresh to our hearts and in our lives.
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
To pursue the Bible, as it reveals God-in-human-flesh, is to find not just Christ but the world that Christ created, the humanity that he joined, and the beatuty that he embodies in himself.
Mark A. Noll
God's gracious self-disclosure in Scripture can never be adequatly assessed by those who insist on being independent knowers; for God to structure his revelation to accomodate such a desire would be to foster the sin from which the gospel frees us.
D. A. Carson
In a Christian theory of knowledge, God himself is the ultimate criterion of truth, and therefore his word to us, his revelation, is the standard by which all truth claims must be judged. It is true, however, that we apprehend God's revelation by measn of human reason, human sense-experience, and a whole range of hard-to-define intuitions, feelings and consciousness we call 'subjectivity.' None of these, in itself, gives absolute knowledge. If it did, we would not need God's word. But these human faculaties work together, in mutual dependence, to lead us toward the truth which is absolute and final, God's word to us.
John M. Frame
The Bible as a whole, viewed from the standpoint of its contents, should be thought of, not statically, but dynamically; not merely as what God said long ago, but as what He says still; and not merely as what He says to men in general, but as what He says to each individual reader or hearer in particular.
J. I. Packer
The Spirit of God rides most triumphantly in his own chariot.
Thomas Manton
The Bible is not merely a list of principles. It is living and dynamic, containing the very breath of God’s Spirit. We should expect divine encounters whenever we pick up the Word. We should hunger for more than good ideas or helpful stories. We should crave a touch from heaven, a direct word spoken by the breath of the Spirit into the very recesses of our hearts.
Doug Banister