81st Pennsylvania§
Volunteer Infantry
Company K
Civil War Reenactors
The 81st Monument in the Wheatfield at Gettysburg
To Remember, To Honor ~ To Preserve, To Educate
Please click the links below to navigate the page:
Original 81st
Today's 81st
Schedule of Events
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Contact Info
Buy the book written by today's Co. K Captain, Ryan Lindbuchler, "Gone But Not Forgotten: Civil War Veterans of Northeastern Pennsylvania". The book includes pictures and biographies of Civil War veterans from the northeastern PA region, including some 81st PVI men, as well as grave locations, regimental histories, and much more. The book also includes a CD-ROM listing the burial places of over 9,000 area Civil War veterans in 196 cemeteries across northeastern and central Pennsylvania. Click here for details.
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