Original 81st
Welcome to the page dedicated to the men of the 81st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment! Since we are constantly researching the men we represent, the information found here will change. Please check back often to learn more details on the men of the 81st PA!
If you are a descendant of any veteran of the 81st PA, especially Co. K, and have any information about them, or just want to say "Hello", PLEASE do not hesitate to contact us. We have learned a lot from descendants coming to us with information that was otherwise unknown and unaccessible.
Company K Roster - A look at the men of Co. K including biographical information, letters, and photos.
Men of other 81st companies and staff - Information on the men of other companies and staff of the 81st PA Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
History of the 81st P.V.I. - A detailed look at the actions of the men from the Brigade level down to the company level with a focus on Company K. This was put together by members of our reenactment group and is one of the best unit histories I have seen.
An Interesting Affidavit - A comical affidavit given for 81st bandmember John C. Brittain.
Buy the book written by today's Co. K Captain, Ryan Lindbuchler, "Gone But Not Forgotten: Civil War Veterans of Northeastern Pennsylvania". The book includes pictures and biographies of Civil War veterans from the northeastern PA region including some 81st PVI men as well as grave locations, regimental histories, and much more. The book also includes a CD-ROM listing the burial places of over 9,000 area Civil War veterans in 196 cemeteries across northeastern and central Pennsylvania. Click here for details.