Civil War Vets Get New Headstones
Under the direction of Co. K, 81st Pa Reenactors founder and local historian, Ryan Lindbuchler, a few of the 81st members gathered at the Hollenback Cemetery in Wilkes Barre in June 2006 to replace a few headstones of Civil War Vets. The original stones were all but unreadable or broken. The new stones will ensure the vet is identified well into the future. Hollenback Cemetery is the resting place of scores of Civil War Vets, many in this plot on the hill next to the entrance.
Ryan (l) and Tom finish placing the stone of Calvin Schlabach of the 143rd PA Infantry.
New stone of John Mench of the 58th NY Infantry.
New stone of John Townsend of the 9th PA Cavalry.
Tom (l) and Ryan dig a place for the new stone.
Hayley (l) and Ted (cntr) prepare to dig a new stone.
New stone of Jackson Lunn of the 52nd NY Infantry.