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Getting Help

JC stares at Justin as he dances around the restaurant singing "Young Hearts Run Free".

"Are you high?" JC asks Justin staring at him.

"No," Justin pouts," Why would I be?"

"Because you always are."

"Am not. I only do that shit when I'm depressed."

"You're always depressed."

"Not anymore."

"How many times have I told you to leave her alone or you'll end up in the hospital."

"Don't know. Don't care."

"You're gonna get caught and then..."

"Don't care," he smiles.

JC stares at Justin again and sighs. Justin was sin deep now. Judging by the fact that everyone in the world thought that Britney and him were living the life of pop music romance dreams. Dreams were right in Britney’s case. Justin was still depressed and snorting line of coke everyday and night when he found no other way to deal with it. Of course as off the last three nights and days Justin had found something he thought was better than coke. Vanessa.

Now it just so happened that Vanessa wasn't a horrible person or anything, she just ran with a different crowd than Justin and NSYNC ran with. Vanessa was the bassist for the rock/punk band Generation X, who despised NSYNC with the passion of burning suns if JC got LaRusso's exact words right. The fact that Justin couldn't have her only made him more intrigued though. Vanessa was raised in a harsh childhood. She had a twin brother Gabe and a younger brother Jagger who was as old as Justin. They lived with their mother and father in Philadelphia, but her father was abusive to both his wife and children. At the age of 14 Vanessa along with her brothers and mother left their father to live with her aunt Elizabeth, Rachel's mom. When she was twenty she entered an abusive relationship and ended up being beaten, raped and thrown down a flight of stairs. Because of all these things the band watched over her like hawks and was waiting to beat the shit out of anyone who hurt her. If it was Justin it was an added bonus to them probably.

JC knew this first hand since he was friends with them once because Polly was friends with the girls in the band. X was the best selling rock group of their time winning seven Grammies along with many other awards over the course of four years they had been out. They were a group of cousins ranging form ages 21 to 23. Rachel was 23 and she played guitar and sang. In addition to that she had a large Italian family that was spread all over the upper east coast around NJ and NY. She also showed her appreciation for other music genres since she was dating AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys. She was short 5'5, tan skin, brown hair and big brown eyes. All in all though Rachel was one of the nicest people in the business even though she hated them. Devon was 23 and played guitar. He was just as well known in the business for his guitar playing as he was for his good looks, with his spiked blond hair, blue eyes and 5'9 body, and his spitfire attitude. Vincent LaRusso, who was 23 and the bassist also, always went by LaRusso. LaRusso was someone Justin did not want to piss off at all since he was 6'4 and weighed 220, but none of it was fat, rather all muscle. He needed it since he played in the NHL for the Philadelphia Flyers and was the most penalized man in the league as of this year. Jon was 21 and the drummer of the group. He was a musical prodigy and could play instruments perfectly that JC hadn't even heard of before. He also looked exactly like his twin brother, Jeremy who was also in the group. Both had dirty blond hair, gray/blue eyes and stood at 6'1. Jeremy thought took on a number of jobs as the keyboardist and the DJ of the group. Jordan was 21 and had a temper as short as his sense of humor was long. Growing up the fourth child of eight, he lived in the ghettos of Philadelphia. His older brother Adam died two years earlier and he was the one to put his foot down more than LaRusso. He was tall 6'2 with blond hair, big blue eyes and a temper for hating Justin.

JC was bets friends with all of them when he dated Polly, but that all ended when he fucked their relationship up. Polly was small 5'3 with a thin frame, long brown hair and big brown eyes. She was also three years older than JC, which meant his mother never liked her, but he didn't care.

"Justin, you do know what you're getting into right?" JC asks sipping his coffee

"Yeah," Justin says staring at him," They're staying at this hotel too. Did you know that?" he smiles.

"Don't get caught. Since you feel the reason you feel that I'm the only person you can talk to about this. Hell, I'm the only person who knows and that is not getting me in trouble ok?"

"Whatever you say JC" he smiles and grabs his coat," If anyone asks I went for a walk ok?"

"Ok. Just don't get her pregnant."

"I won't," Justin yells walking away," She's on the pill."

JC shakes his head and watches Justin walk away. He puts a tip on the table and gets up walking towards the lobby. He sees two figures staring at him from across the lobby. They both watch him as he walks by them and into an elevator. Devon and LaRusso. Devon was only 160 pounds, but JC knew that LaRusso and his 220-pound body could snap him in half. JC could already tell it was not going to be a good three days in LA.

Justin stares at Vanessa as she walks into the hotel room and drops her messenger bag on the floor.

"Where were you?" he asks staring at her.

"I had ballet practice. Can’t you tell," she says moving her hand above her body over a black leotard.

"Wanna go to diner tonight?"

"Can't I have a show," she says pulling her black hair out of a bun and letting it fall to her shoulders.

"What time?"


"That gives you enough time."

"I'm not going out to diner when there are cameras following you all over. You don't want Britney to be upset right?" she smirks and her blue eyes sparkle.

"I told you not to say her name," Justin says and lies down on the couch.

"Take off your shoes if you're gonna do that."

JC stares at her and pouts. She smacks his feet playfully and walks into her bedroom. Justin sighs and stares at her through the doorway. She was only an inch shorter than himself and that made her taller than most of his group at 5'11.

"Should I wear a skirt or pants tonight?" she yells back.

"How tight are the pants?" he smiles to himself.

"That's not funny. I'll wear a skirt."

"Sounds good to me."

"Um where's JC's room?"




"Polly's down the hall."

"Can't we all just get along?"

"Not after what he did to her," Vanessa says walking in buttoning her blue shirt and sitting on his legs.

"Isn't she over it now?"

"He ruined her life," she says pulling on a black stocking knee sock.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?" she stares at him pulling on a sock.

"Know what?"

"You do know why Polly came early right?"

"She wanted to see him?"

"She was pregnant," she says pulling on a black boot and tying it.

"Pregnant,” he stares at her.

"That's not the worst of it," she says pulling on a second boot," She got home and didn't eat for two weeks straight. Rachel and I went to her place to see if she was doing ok and we found on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood. She had a miscarriage and was hemorrhaging. It was all down hill from there. She felt like she was worthless than and she slit her wrists. She was officially dead fro two minutes. LaRusso found her in her tub blood everywhere."

"Does JC know?"

"Don't Know."

"What are you getting ready for?"


"Oh," he smiles at her.

Justin walks into his room at quarter of eight to find his four band mates staring at him and they did not look happy.

"Hey guys," he says and throws his coat on the couch.

""Where have you been?" Chris asks him

"Out and it's none of your damn business."

"Out it's been hours."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Maybe because we had rehearsal today or did you forget that too?"


"Are you doing that shit again?"

"No, I told you guys I was cutting down, so lay off."

"Then where the hell have you been?"

"It's none of your damn business!"

"When it concerns my career it is my business!"

"Back off Chris!"

"Just tell them Justin," JC says.

"Oh hell no," Justin says staring at him.

"Tell us what?" Lance asks.

"He’s seeing someone," JC says.

"You're cheating on Britney," Joey says.

"It's not like he was ever faithful," Lance adds.

"Shut the fuck up all of you! Especially you JC! What right do you have to tell them about my life!"

"Back off Justin!" JC yells.

"No you back the hell off! How about I tell them about your life huh? Did they know Polly was pregnant when she came to see you! Did they know she lost the baby? Did they know she tried to kill herself?"

JC stares at him and then gets up walks over to him and punches him in the left eye. He then goes storming out of the room slamming the door. Justin stares at the door holding his left eye.

"Well get the hell out of my room!" he yells at the others.

Chris, Lance and Joey make their way out of Justin’s room one by one while JC runs down the hall into his room not bothering to turn on the lights. He walks over to his duffel bag and starts digging through it and finally pulls out a small bag that has white powder in it. He makes his way over to the bathroom and dumps the contents of the bag onto the counter top. He takes a razor and divides the contents of the bag into lines. As soon as he is done that he fumbles for a dollar bill and rolls it up quickly. There was only one way to get rid of the pain that he knew and with that JC Chasez sniffed the first line.

Justin lays down on his bed staring up at the ceiling with his one good eye that was not covered with an ice pack. He knew he was out of line with what he said, but they were all pushing him into the corner and he needed to find a way out. Justin hears knocking at his door and gets up making his way slowly to the door. When he opens it he finds a very angry Chris staring up at him.

"Where is your shit?"


"Where the fuck is your crack Justin!"

"In my bag."



"Fucking JC," He runs a hand through his hair, "I...I think he's dead."


Chris takes Justin's arm and pulls him down the hall to JC's room. The door was open and when he steps inside he sees Lance and Joey looking down at JC who was lying on the floor. JC had his eyes shut, mouth slightly open and snot and blood running from his nose.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Justin kneels down next to him," JC! JC, open your fucking eyes!" Justin pulls his eye lid up and sees nothing but the whites of the eye," Did someone call 911?"

"No," Lance says.

"Well fucking call! He's ODing."

Vanessa walks down the hall and stops outside JC's door when she sees it open. She stares inside looking at Justin bent over JC's body, Lance on the phone, Chris watching from the corner with Joey and all of them had tears running down their faces.

"What are they doing?" Rachel asks walking up.

"Look," was all Vanessa could make out.

"What?" Rachel says and walks over to the door putting her small 5'5 frame into the room. She looks over at Vanessa and shakes her head no.

"What is it?" Polly asks walking up to Vanessa.


"Then why did Rachel go inside?" she says making her way over to the door.

"Polly don't go in there."

Polly walks into the room and stares down at JC. Justin looks up with her for a moment he looked like a scared five year old and not the arrogant pop star the public had come to know.

"He won't wake up," Justin cries.

"Josh," Polly says kneeling next to him," Josh wake up. Josh! Wake the fuck up!" she says grabbing his shoulders," Joshua, wake the fuck up now! Do you hear me! Don't fucking leave! Wake the fuck UP!" she starts shaking his shoulders," Wake up! Joshua! I know you can hear me, so wake the fuck up! Do you hear me!"

JC's eyes shoot open and he takes a large breath of air. He looks over at Polly and garbs her.

"I did it baby," he says holding her," I did it. I jumped over the moon for you. I did it to get back to you, baby," he says holding her head in his hands as tears slip down his face,” I did it for you, baby," he says again hugging her.

No one moves at all, they just stare at JC in his disillusioned state of mind holding onto Polly. Vanessa was in the doorway by now watching, but was pushed aside as the paramedics come into the room grabbing JC by the shoulders and pulling him away form Polly.

"Stop it! Stop it!" JC yells kicking as the paramedics pick him up by the arms," let me go! Get off! Polly! Polly, don't let them take me away! Polly!" JC yells as he is carried down the hall.

Polly stays sitting on the floor staring down at the rug as Vanessa and Rachel walk in and help her up as Justin stares at Vanessa. All he wanted was for Vanessa to hold him and tell him everything was ok, but she walked out helping Rachel with Polly. Justin didn't see her again that night.

The next morning Johnny Wright calls a meeting for the four remaining NSYNC members to discuss the situation now.

"JC is fine," Johnny says as soon as they are all in the room.

"Thank God," Justin says.

"But this tour is done for now."

"What?" Chris says.

"JC overdosed last night and it is a miracle he is alive now. Instead of him going to court we decided it would be better for JC to go to rehab and get professional help. He's going there as soon as he gets out of the hospital today. We sent him his bags and the most we can do now is be there for him because he is going to need it."

JC stares at the plain brick building with his bags by his feet as his cab drives away. So this is where his life finally took him. This is the place that was supposed to cure all his problems and make him "unbroken" again. He sighs and picks up his bags walking towards the entrance.

Who knew getting help was going to be so hard?

JC walks up to the glass door and pushes it opens stepping over the threshold into the lobby of the building. From what he could see there was a staircase leading upstairs, a sitting room to his right, two hallways on either side of the staircase, and a small round circular desk to the left of the staircase meeting him as he walks up.

"Hello," a woman says from the desk who looks in her forties.

"Um I'm..."

"JC Chasez," she smiles," My daughter listens to you."

"Oh," was all he could make out. Yes, JC Chasez was in rehab and the whole fucking world was going to know it now.

"We’ve been expecting you. I'll have to check you bags though."

JC stares at her as she walks around from around the desk and starts looking through his bags taking out anything that looked suspicious and inspecting it closer. This included pens, shoes being turned upside down, books being leafed through and any small container. She stares at the messenger bag slung over his shoulder and points.

"It's my lap top," he says taking it and handing it to her.

"I'll need to search your coat too and please turn your pockets inside out."

JC nods taking off his jacket and handing it to her. He turns his pockets inside out as she looks through his jacket taking his cell phone out and then handing it back along with the messenger bag. He knew then and there that this was his living hell.

"I'll have to keep your cell phone, but you can have it back at the end of your stay. All calls will be made form the pay phones or from this desk. Also if you are found with any alcohol or drugs you will be immediately transferred to jail. If you would please pick up your bags and follow me I'll show you to your room."

JC follows her up the stairs as she walks down the hall and stops at fourth to the last door on her left. He was going to have his own room, of course Johnny insisted on it. She takes out a key and opens the door walking inside JC close behind. There was a plain white twin bed with one pillow, a nightstand with a lamp on it next to the bed, a small TV cart on the opposite wall with a small TV, a ceiling fan/light, a window on the far wall over looking the grounds and a bathtub connected to the room with a toilet, sink and shower/tub.

"Well this is all yours," she smiles," Breakfast is at 8 every day, Lunch at 12 and diner at 6. Also every day at 10 and 3 you will have group therapy. Do you have any questions?"

"Um no."

"Ok if you do my name is Laureen and I'm mostly at the downstairs desk if you need anything," she says curtly and walks past him out of the room.

JC stares around the room noticing a dresser behind him for his clothes. He sighs and walks over to the bed and puts his bags down on it. The room was unbelievably empty too him. The whole room was white with hardwood floors and no pictures or color whatsoever. He hears someone next door to him switch on a stereo and the pulsing beats of rock music come through the wall. Great now he had noisy neighbors too.

He walks over to the door to shut it and notices another woman walking into the room across from his showing someone else a room. He stares as a lanky figure dressed in jeans, a white sweater and a white baseball cap turns around to stare at him. The two lock eyes and JC could almost hear his heart stop. Not only was she stuck in rehab hell he was stuck there with AJ McLean.

Two:A Higher Power

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