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Article from The Philadelphia Inquirer

The 2001-2002 hockey season had begun with a jolt. The Philadelphia Flyers are coming back from last years disappointing loss to the Bufflo Sabers in the first round of play off games with the last loss 8-0. Goaltender Brian Littrell comes back to try and help the team between the pipes. Littrell is a short goaltender compared to today’s goaltenders in the league, but when it comes down to it he is one of the best. In his rookie year in 1999 Littrell had a save percentage of .879, one of the best in the league, but last year it ballooned to 3.56. This year he hopes to do better, but the constant threats of a back up goalie coming in and a new goalie from the Phantoms, Philadelphia’s minor league team, moving up are looming in the darkness for Littrell. Kevin Richardson comes back to play defense and claim his roll as the team captain for another year. Richardson, although disappointed by last season, had one of his beast seasons last year becoming one of the highest scoring defensive players in the league.

Of course there are also new faces that are going to be coming to the Flyers and one of them is Alexander “AJ” McLean. McLean will be moving up from the Phantoms to play left wing. McLean has come into the league showing potential since he has the speed, stick handling abilities and is never afraid to get into a fight. Even though McLean is smaller than most players in the league now, he shows that he isn’t going to stand for being pushed around on the ice and was the most penalized man in minor league hockey last year with a whopping 197 minutes spent in the penalty box. McLean is as well known for his scoring percentage as he is for his personality on the ice and with him come the knowledge that this season will not be a boring one. McLean was the Flyers first round draft picks of the year and along with that come great expectations of his playing ability. He should be able to do it though since he can play with both his left and right hand.

Another new face moving to the Flyers is Nick Carter from the Whalers, a minor team, in Canada. Carter who is only 21 will be the second youngest player on the team, only ahead of Justin Williams who is 19 turning 20 in October. Carter comes to the team being able to play both right wing and defense. Carter should be the ying to AJ’s yang since he was the least penalized man in the minors last year winning the same sportsmanship award Williams won two years ago. Carter shows potential to be one of the best players on the team and there are high hopes for him in the pros. Carter will also be fighting for the spot in the starting lineup with McLean and Williams, who was his former teammate.

Most of the players from the previous season will be returning and hopefully the Flyers will be able to get a decent player when they trade, if ever, Eric Lindros. The new season starts today for the players when they meet each other as a team for the first time in training camp. Bill Barber will be coming back as the head coach for the Flyers off of his win for coach of the year last season. When asked about the up and coming season Barber could only answer,” that I hope that the team brings pride to Philadelphia with the best they can do.


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