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AJ McLean walks into the locker room and drops his bag on the floor looking around the room at the people.

“Ah home at last,” he says dragging his stuff down to the locker with McLean written above it.

“Alexander McLean I presume,” Brian says walking up to him and offering his hand out for him to shake.

“Call me AJ,” AJ says shaking his hand,” Brian Littrell, you had a good season last year.”

“Blah,” Brian says making a face and sitting down on a chair next to AJ in front of his locker which was already over flowing with his gear and stick,” I could of done so much better, but thanks. I guess I’m going to be talking to you a lot since our lockers are next to yeah other.”

“That’s good at least I know someone who is next to me,” AJ says taking down his new Flyers helmet from where it sits on a shelf in the locker,” Do we need to keep the shields on?”

“You can if you want. I wear my mask, so I’m not the one to ask. Mostly though the older guys take them off. The younger guys on the other hand keep them on in addition to Kevin he wears his. It’s safer you know in case you get a stick in the eye,” Brian says grabbing his left eye.

“It leaves you with a blind spot though,” AJ says taking the shield off of his helmet and stuffing it into his bag.

“Whose next to you?” Brian asks trying to look over AJ.

“Carter, whose he?”

“New guy from Canada…”

“Ahhhh another Canadian,” AJ says pulling out his tape and picking up his stick,” they’re always taking my positions. They usually play it better too.”

“Hey what’s wrong with Canadians!?” a voice says from the back of the room.

“Nothin Williams calm down,” Brian yells back,” Maybe this year you won’t break your hand and we can see you play.”

“HAHA,” Justin walks by throwing pre wrap at Brian and then walking over to another locker.

“As I was saying,” Brian smiles as he watches AJ tape the end of his stick,” Ohhh that reminds me I gotta do that,” Brian says reaching into his locker and pulling out his goalie stick and reaching his hand into the mess of equipment in his locker,” Now where’s that tape?”

“Here,” AJ says handing his an extra roll of tape.


“So where is our Captain, O’ captain.”

“Kevin? He’s probably already checking with Barber about the line up….”

“Is everyone here yet?” Kevin says walking into the locker room with his equipment on already.

“Nope missing Recchi and the new kid,” Brian says,” Kevin your right skate is untied.”

“Huh? Oh,” he says looking down at his skate and tying it.

“Is everyone ready for the best season of our lives?” Recchi yells walking into the locker room and throwing his bag into his locker.

“Recchi sit down,” Kevin says staring at him.

“Why are you dressed already?” Recchi asks staring at Kevin as he makes his way over to his locker than sits down on his chair.

“We have two new guys on the team this year and Willy fortunately for you you are still the youngest,” Kevin says sitting down on a stool.

“Yay,” Williams says looking over at him and rolling his blue eyes.

“Alexander McLean joining us from the Phantoms,” Kevin says looking up at everyone,” he hear or is he the one missing?”

“No I’m here,” AJ says standing up,” Call me AJ. Just put me in game and I’ll get the job done no matter who it means taking out. I’m also a Capricorn and enjoy loose woman who like long walks on the be…”

“That’s enough for now AJ,” Kevin says shaking his head.

Nick Carter walks through the door with his bag slung over his shoulder and dressed in a suit. All heads turn towards him as he walks into the locker room.

“Um Nick Carter,” Nick says offering a hand to Kevin.

“Glad you finally came,” Kevin says shaking his hand,” Whalers huh?”


“You know Willy over there?” Kevin points to Justin Williams.

“Yeah,” Williams says staring at Nick fixing his brown hair,” and for the last damn time stop calling me Willy.

“Your locker is next to AJ down there,” Kevin points to AJ and Nick makes his way down to his locker,” be dressed and on the ice in fifteen, guys,” Kevin says standing up and walking out of the room as fast as he came in.

“Is he always like that?” AJ looks at Brian who was attempting to pull on his pads over his head.

“Mostly? Yeah,” Brian says from inside his pads and than gets them over his head,” You know you don’t have to wear a suit to training,” Brian says looking down at Nick.

“Huh? Oh yeah,” Nick says looking up at him then going back to pulling his gear out of his bag.

AJ shrugs and goes back to pulling on his pants and tying them,” Nothing that you can do that can’t be done. Nothing that you can sing that can’t be sung. Nothing that you can say, but you can learn how to play the game its easy. Nothing that you can make that can’t be made. No one you can save that can’t be saved. Nothing can do, but you can learn how to be you in time. It’s easy. All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is love. Love. Love is all you need.”

“All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is love. Love. Love is all you need. Nothing you can know that isn’t known…” Fedoruk sings walking up and putting an arm around AJ,”AJ McLean we’re back in business boy,” he smiles at AJ.

AJ had played with Todd Fedoruk on the Phantoms up until last year when he moved into the pros for the Flyers. They had ritual of singing a Beatles song before each game and he was the only person who came close to getting as many penalty minutes to AJ. The two of them put together along with PJ Stock, who was also on the team and played with AJ and Fedoruk, was a recipe for fights and arguments. Of course Stock was 220 and Fedoruk was 240, which meant the two of them were bigger than AJ and also towered over him in height.

“Love is all you need,” AJ sings walking out of the room followed by Fedoruk and the rest.

“Love is all you need,” Stock walks up.

“Love is all you need,” AJ sings.

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“Love is all you need.”

“She loves you yeah yeah yeah.” Brian sings walking out onto the ice.

“Love is all you need. Love is all you need.” AJ follows him onto the ice.

“And now I have a singing team to watch over,” Kevin says skating around Brian who is in the net.

“Smile Kevin it make people wonder,” Brian smiles pulling down his mask so only a few loose strands of hair stick up from slits on the top.

“Huh?” Kevin stares at him.

“Nick is awful quiet huh?”

“Is that a good or a badd thing compared to AJ?” he asks as AJ starts skating laps around the rink.

“I dunno,” Brian says turning to watch AJ,” but he sure is fast huh?”

“Hopefully he won’t fall. C’mon Bri,” Kevin says skating away from Brian and over to where the team had gathered in a circle, Brian following close behind.

Coach Bill Barber stands in the middle of the circle and gives positions and lineups to everyone for drills. AJ, Nick and Fedoruk are put on a front line together shooting on Brian. Fedoruk starts the puck off heading down the ice and than passing to Nick. Nick takes it down the ice skating behind Brian and than back up as Kevin comes skating towards him full force slamming him into the boards.

“And the train takes another victim,” Fedoruk says skating over to Nick.

“You ok,” Kevin asks Nick helping him up.

“Yeah,” Nick says and then stumbles a bit going back into center ice.

“Great, Kev, you gave him a concussion,” Brian yells up the ice.

“I’m fine really,” Nick says taking his position again.

The three of them start up again and Fedoruk immediately gives the puck for Nick to take down the ice. Nick takes the puck down the ice and drops it back for AJ who takes a slap shot at Brian. Brian stares at the puck and holds his ground as it slams into his mask and stays there wedged in his mask. AJ stares and skates up to Brian who is pulling off his mask then staring down at the puck.

“Jesus, you could have killed him,” Recchi says skating out onto the ice and staring down at the mask.

“I can’t get it out,” Brian says pulling on the puck,” I think I finally understand why NHL officials switched the types of goalie masks we wear to these.”

“Jesus AJ you could of killed him,” Kevin says pulling on the puck in Brian’s mask and finally gets it free.

“I didn’t mean to,” AJ says.

“And this is why we look up before we take shots,” Coach Barber says walking out onto the ice,” That’s enough for today boys. Good work Carter and McLean. I’ll probably be putting you two on the same line. And AJ please watch where you are shooting with that slap shot especially since it is our goalie.”

“Got ya,” AJ says and skates off towards the locker room entrance followed by Nick.

Nick and AJ walk over to their lockers to find Brian sitting half dressed on the floor trying to fit a puck into his goalie mask.

“It’s impossible,” he mumbles throwing his mask into the locker,” I think I’m cross eyed now.”

“You can’t go cross-eyed over that, Brian,” Nick says.

“He speaks,” AJ says pulling off his skates and falling onto the ground.

“I was just waiting till after practice, so I could actually prove I was good.”

“You’re good,” Brian says smiling,” but of course you are trying to take Howie’s spot on the lineup.”

“Sorry, but that’s what I do,” Nick shrugs pulling on a regular t-shirt.

“No more suit?” AJ says from the ground.


“Good you were making us look unprofessional.”

“AJ you unprofessional,” Fedoruk says walking by to the door.

“Leave me alone,” AJ snaps smiling,” Journey?” he looks at Nick’s shirt.

“What’s wrong with Journey?”

“They’re like older then Kevin,” Brian smiles.

“Hey, I am not old,” Kevin says walking up already dressed,” C’mon Brian we gotta get going for some reason my mom is having a family reunion and we can not be late like last year.”

“I’m going. I’m going,” Brian says pulling on a t-shirt, jeans, socks and his Adidas sandals.

“You’re gay?” AJ stares,” I mean I’m cool with it and all.”

“He’s my cousin,” Kevin says staring at AJ.


“And I’m married.”


“Even if I was gay I wouldn’t want Kevin,” Brian smiles and walks towards the door with Kevin.

“What?” AJ looks at Nick who is staring at him.

“You’re a character AJ,” he laughs shaking his head.

“I am not,” AJ says pulling on a leopard cowboy hat,” I’m unique.”


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