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“I look like a fruit cake,” AJ says to Kevin as he steps off the plane and into the gate.

“Why do you say that?” Kevin asks.

“Kevin I’m wearing a beret,” AJ says frankly.

Kevin smiles and shakes his head before adjusting the strap of a bag on his shoulder.

The two walked side by side through the airport followed close behind by John LeClaire, Jeremy Roenick, Simone Gagne, Jiri Dopita and Kim Johnnson. They were arriving a day late to the beginning of the Winter Olympics, but it didn’t stop them from soaking everything in. Ruslan had already been here a few days prior for a qualifying game for the Ukrainian hockey team, but they had been knocked out of the qualifying rounds by Belarus. JR to the USA, Johnny to the USA, AJ to the USA, Gags to Canada, Kevin to Canada, Jiri to the Czech, and Kim to Sweden. Each of them had been given their countries outfits for the games and as they all walked through the airport the diversity of the Flyers finally hit Kevin.

It was the beginning of the 2002 Winter Olympics and it was going to be the third Olympics Kevin would participate in. The Canadian team was out to prove something this time. The Canadian team hadn’t brought home a medal in a long time…too long, fifty years. The USA was out to prove something on the 22nd anniversary of the Miracle on Ice team of the 1980 Olympics. The torch had been lighten by the 1980 team and Kevin knew already that AJ was going to be hunting down everyone of those players for an autograph.

Dressed in red and white with Canada written across the chest of his coat Kevin was ready to finally bring home a medal. He would playing on a team organized by the Great One himself with Gags, Mario Lemeuix, Theo Fluery, Eric Lindros, Marten Brodour and other greats of their time. He would be playing against his own teammates now and that was one of the weirdest aspects of the Olympic games. Teammate against Teammate, guys who you played all season with striving for the one goal above all else…the Stanley Cup. And then there is a team of people to sweat and bleed with over the course of a few days striving to bring home a medal and pride to your country. The question was if AJ got in his way how hard was Kevin willing to hit him?

AJ adjusts the dark blue beret on his head as he walked down the streets of the Olympic village. He was beginning to grow more attached to it now. By God was it cold too in Salt Lake City. Yeah Philadelphia was bad, but this was ridiculous. He hugs his leather coat closer to his body that had the Olympic rings embroidered on the back and looks over to his left as a pair of German athletes walk by. AJ walks over to a small building on his left and quickly ascends the stairs onto the porch. He pushes the doors open and walks into a small café. He needed some hot chocolate or something. A pair of French skiers look up to him and smile nodding in acknowledgement. AJ smiles back at them as he unzips his jacket and blows hot air into his clasped hands trying to warm them up.

“Hey American,” a voice from the corner says as AJ turns around to see Gagne sitting in the corner nursing a cup of coffee.

“Hey frenchie…wait ah hell that doesn’t work here does it,” AJ says walking over to him and looking at the French skiers.

Gagne shrugs.

“How you holding up?” AJ asks him.

“Nervous,” Gagne says, “Of course I’m not even playing tonight.”

AJ shakes his head, “Your coach have something against younger players?”

“I think so…actually I bet on it,” Gagne says before lifting his cup and taking another sip of coffee.

“I think I’m gonna puke again,” AJ says, “I got this gut feeling and I can’t shake it.”

“I dunno what to tell you,” Gagne says, “Good luck.”

“Oh God I’m gonna puke,” AJ says putting his head on the table and lifting it back up quickly, “I’m on a line with Guerin and Roenick…how weird is that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Last year at this time I was sitting around watching TV. Four years ago I was sitting around watching TV and complaining about how horrible our hockey team was. Then they went back and trashed a hotel in Nagano. And now I’m actually here wearing shirts and jackets and hats all with USA written on them.”

Gagne smiles and nods in agreement, “Seems unreal huh?”

“Oh yeah,” AJ says as the door opens and a younger boy walks in wearing the same USA jacket as AJ, “Justin Williams hair,” AJ says.

“Apolo,” Gagne says.

“What a space shuttle?” AJ says turning to face Gags again.

“No,” Gags smiles, “Apolo. That’s his name. I met him this morning. He’s an American short track skater. They say he’s gonna win four medals only nineteen too. He’s supposed to put short track on the map.”

AJ looks back over his shoulder at Apolo then back at Gags, “I like his goatee or whatever that is.”

Gags shakes his head and sips his coffee again.

“I met Michelle Kwan this morning. Saw her outside of the dorm. Just walking around,” AJ says, “Weird.”

“Yeah but think about it this way. People are thinking that exact thing about you,” Gags says standing up, “I gotta go though I’ll see you later after your game tonight.”

“See ya Gags,” AJ says looking up at him.

“See ya AJ,” Gags says back as he walks out of the café into the cold again pulling his Canadian jacket closer around him as the cold wind hits him.

“Good luck tonight,” a voice says form behind AJ and AJ turns around to stare at the young speed skater named Apolo again.

“Thanks,” AJ says as Apolo walks out of the café as quickly as he came.

T minus four hours and counting.

“You ok AJ?” JR asks walking into the bathroom as AJ sits on the floor near a toilet fully dressed in his USA hockey gear.

AJ shakes his head no slowly.

“You got the flu or something? You need a doctor?”

AJ shakes his head no again.


AJ nods.

“C’mon man you’ll be fine. You’re gonna be one of the bets players out there. We can’t do as bad as Canada is doing,” JR says bending down and helping AJ to his feet.

Canada had just gotten completely annihilated by Sweden 5-2 and the Canadians had passed by the US locker room telling them, “to get one for North America.” They were all hoping that it would come true.

“C’mon AJ,” a man says walking in and patting him on the back.

“Chelios,” AJ says, “Just let me puke.”

“No can do,” Chelios smiles, “I’m the captain remember. I’m supposed to do the best for the team and unless you want Herb to come and yell at you I think you should come out now.”

“Alright. Alright,” AJ says, “If I puke on the ice though it’s your fault,” he says as he walks through the locker room and out into the tunnel.

“Good luck kid,” a voice says and AJ turns around to see Kevin smiling at him with Mario Lemeuix by his side.

“How bout one for North America,” Kevin says.

AJ nods at them before finally walking out of the end of the tunnel and letting his skates touch the ice for the first time.

The stadium was filled with people wearing red white and blue. Finland was down at their end of the ice-skating back and forth just as eager as the Americans. Chants of USA filled the stadium before the game even starts. AJ knew then more then ever that this was where he belonged, on the ice representing his country.

The Americans would go to shut out the Fins 6-0. Two Flyers would get goals, John LeClaire would get three goals, a hat trick and AJ would get a goal. AJ kept the puck from that game in his pocket of his USA leather jacket until the next game against Russia…the former army in red. They would have a tie game 2-2 in their first match up of the same game the Miracle on Ice game.

“This is awesome man,” a young guy no older then AJ says as he holds a puck in his hands, “Is this from the Russia game?”

“No, Finland. My first goal, I figure its good luck,” AJ says.

“You gotta come and watch me ski though. Wait till you see those judges faces, BAM,” the guy smiles handing the puck back to AJ.

AJ shakes his head at Johnny Moseley as he puts his puck into jacket pocket again.

“When is it?”

“Tuesday,” Johnny says.

“I gotta see if I can,” AJ shrugs, “Practices and shit, we have to play Germany the next night in a qualifying round.”

Johnny nods.

“AJJJJJJJ,” a voice yells passing by the window.

“Psychos all of them,” AJ says looking out the window as the American snowboarders walk by.

“Well I gotta go though,” Johnny says, “Gotta go practice my dinner roll,” he says standing up, “Good luck tonight though against Belarus and if you find out where that is tell me ok,” he says before walking out of the café.

AJ shakes his head and picks up his beret putting it on quickly. He had become very attached to his beret now. A woman had offered him 250 dollars on the spot earlier that day in exchange for it. Now he knew he had to keep it. AJ leaves the money on the table and walks out of the café and back down the streets of the Olympic village. The familiar tune of his cell phone rings and he picks it up quickly.

“Hello,” AJ says as he continues to walk down the streets.

“Hey man how are you?” a voice asks.

“Frenchie,” AJ smiles, “Long time no talk. What you been up to Williams?”

“Not much I’m going back home for a little then I am going to the Bahamas with some of my friends.”

“You’re going to the Bahamas while I am freezing my ass off here in Mormon country?”

“Yup,” Justin laughs.

“How is everyone holding up back east?”

“Good. Nick’s coming to the Bahamas with me, Todd went back home to his farm in Alberta to relax, Marty went to Orlando with his wife to see Disney world, Rusty is still here, Boosh is probably still spending the money he won off you for the Super Bowl bet…”

“Ok Boosh had to know something. He was only one of two people who picked the Patriots on the team. I resent the fact that I lost so much money ok.”

“Alright alright…so who have you met down there?”

“People,” AJ says, “A lot of the guys on the hockey teams I knew already. Met a lot of people from Europe. Skiers, snowboarders, jumpers and stuff. Met Michelle Kwan, basically every American athlete has met me already. I met the snowboarders, they’re all really cool.”

“I see.”

“So who are you rooting for?”

“C’mon man that’s a trick question you know I’m Canadian.”

“I figured you would be rooting for Canada.”

“Hey if we get knocked out I’ll root for USA you know that.”

“Thanks a lot man.”

“So what are you doing tonight?”

“Checking out short track. I got invited to. It sounds interesting enough.”

“Well I gotta call everyone else,” Justin sighs, “I’ll talk to you later though ok.”

“Alright see you frenchie,” AJ says.

“See ya good luck,” Justin says before hanging up.

“Oh. Dear. God,” JR says looking up in the locker room as AJ walks in with red, white and blue hair.

“What?” AJ asks.

“When did you get that done?”

“I really can’t remember,” AJ says looking perplexed, “I just remember a lot of drinks when I was hanging out with Moseley and I woke up with this.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” John LeClaire says

“Yeah I am,” AJ breaks into a smile, “I got it done today early. I was talking to a German skeleton racer in there. You think my hair is nuts look at his.”

The USA would be playing the underdogs from Belarus tonight. Canada had played a game the night before against Germany and had won the game 3-2, but the team was still getting heat from their countrymen for not playing up to expectations. Once again Gagne had been benched. Kevin had been talking to AJ earlier and he told him about how the team wasn’t doing so well. Kevin always had high expectations for himself and his teams. Wayne Gretsky also seemed to share his views too though along with a lot of Canadians.

These hockey games weren’t NHL games though. They didn’t have NHL rules. There was no icing, any high hit was a penalty, there was no red line, there was no two line passes, there were no pucks blown dead on the ice, there was no time outs for commercial breaks and the ice surface was bigger. The European teams were used to these rules, but for the Americans and Canadians they were new to them unless they had been in the Olympics before. For people like AJ who could skate though they used this to their full advantage.

Every time the USA team took the ice the crowd went wild for the home team with chants of, “USA. USA,” echoing through the stadium. They were a medal contending team and they knew they were expected to pull for their country. And whenever AJ looked at his jersey with USA written across it in big letters and the name McLean written on the back one thing always came to mind…Never let anyone tell you something is impossible.

The USA would go on to beat Belarus 8-1. AJ, JR and John would all score in the game as the Flyers proved their worth again. Germany would be up next and once again the team would fall to the US 5-0. AJ would get his goal again along with Roenick.

“Whine. Whine. Whine. Whine. Whine,” AJ says getting his gear on for the game, “Does Russia ever shutup?”

“No,” JR says.

“They’ve complained about everything. They won the game against the Czechs and they still whined. And we have to play them tonight, so you know if we win they’ll whine again. Them and Korea.”

“Korea has gotten out of hand,” Chelios says walking by.

“Trust me I know,” AJ says, “I’ve talked to the poor guy. Nineteen and he can’t go anywhere without a Utah state trooper. He’s gotta move every night from a different hotel and he can’t even stay in the village. He’s a good guy too.”

“Politics,” John puffs.

AJ shakes his head, “Still can’t believe Sweden fell to Belarus.”

“To bad Canada didn’t fall to Belarus,” John says.

“I don’t like the idea of playing against Kevin,” AJ says, “I know he’ll hit me.”

“This is it boys,” chelios says, “Miracle on Ice all over again. 22nd anniversary and we are in the exact same position. We gotta win this one.”

“Don’t say that I’ll puke again,” AJ says.

JR walks over and puts him into a headlock, “C’mon boys this is our night!”

The USA would win the game 3-2 over the Russians holding off the Russians for the last minutes of the game. And as AJ predicted the Russians went right to the officials and complained when the game ended.

Now the game was for the gold…against Canada, Flyer versus Flyer. Canadians striving to end a 50-year drought and Americans striving to rekindle the flame lit in 1980. This was going to be one hell of a game.

“Whatever you have I want it,” AJ says looking at Apolo Anton Ohno as they sit in the café across the table from each other and a Utah state trooper close by.

“What do you mean?” Apolo asks.

“How the hell can you remain so calm before every time you skate?”

Apolo shrugs, “If I lose I lose. I already have a silver and a gold. Stuff happens in my sport and I can’t prevent it sometimes.”

AJ shakes his head, “Again whatever you have I want.”

Apolo smiles widely and shakes his head, “Good luck tonight.”

“We’re gonna need it,” AJ sighs, “Maybe I should try speed skating.”

“You’re fast,” Apolo says.

“Yeah…not that fast though.”

“You have family down here?”

“Yeah my mom is coming down to watch us.”

“A medal is a medal. Even if you are supposed to get gold and get pulled down, you still got a silver.”

AJ shakes his head, “You’re gonna be one of the greats Apolo,” AJ says standing up, “Just remember me when you get there.”

“If you do the same for me.”

“Deal. I gotta go start getting read now though,” he sighs.

“Good luck,” he says again.

“Gonna need it,” AJ says as he walks out of the café pulling his USA jacket closer around his small body.

AJ skates around the net holding the puck close to his body with his stick. He skates back down the ice towards the Canadian goal and quickly darts around a defensive player as a three on two develops. He looks over to his right and quickly gives the puck to Amonte. The first goal came on an odd man rush towards the Canadian net and the stadium erupted. Chants of USA echo through the stadium as the plays hug each other…the success was short lived. Minutes later in retaliation Kariya gets a quick shot by Richter scoring one for the Canadians. It was a tie game now in the first quarter. The teams were almost matched up perfectly. Both ever close in shots on goal with only one shot difference. Minutes before the end of the first another Canadian goal gets by Richter and Canada takes the lead going into the second period.

“Would somebody watch Gagne!” AJ yells from the bench, “Jesus I’ll do it if none of you do,” AJ says as a shift comes in and he hopes back over onto the ice.

AJ touches the ice with his skates and heads back over towards Gagne’s side. Now allegiance to the Flyers didn’t matter. Kevin had already slammed him into the boards and blocked more then one of his shots. Canada was running around the USA now. They need more energy. And thank God for Mike Richter. Richter the only goalie who AJ hadn’t complained about was saving the game for USA. God bless the goalies was all AJ could think.

“OH SHIT!” AJ yells skating around the ice as Canada already on their first power play of the game gets another man advantage. Five on three for team Canada for around maybe a minute long, “C’mon Mike!” he yells as goes to the bench and Roenick goes on for the power play, “I’m gonna have a heart attack,” AJ says watching the ice.

The two-man advantage passes and it goes back to the one-man advantage. With every shot, every move of the puck the crowd reacts. It was almost as if the crowd was part of the team now. And then it passed. Thank God for goalies!

Power play for USA now. AJ takes the ice with Modano and John LeCalire. It was an onslaught on that power play. Modano passes to AJ and AJ shoots on net as John LeClaire gets a piece of it. It was a quick as that that it became a 2-2 game as John LeClaire scored to tie up the game. AJ skates up to LeClaire and jumps on him hugging each other as they even the game up…again it didn’t last.

Canada would get a power play goal to make the score 3-2 as Sakic scores the goal. Canada would again go into the next period with the lead 3-2.

Third period and nothing was happening for either team, but Canada really didn’t need to do anything. Canada just needed to hang onto that lead. The lines were being switched up to try and stir up some chemistry and slowly, but surely it was beginning to work. Kevin was blocking almost every shot he could with his body and AJ was ready to hit him next time that he blocked his shot.

Six minutes left.

Five minutes left. GOALLLLLLLLL! Canada increases its lead 4-2. AJ looks at the net from the other end of the ice and lets his head fall. His dream was being dashed to pieces.

Four minutes.

Three minutes.

Two minutes. Kevin strips the puck at center and heads down the ice as USA moves back. He passes it up to Sakic and he takes off down the ice. Hull falls over on defense and Sakic gets a breakaway…5-2.

One minute. The cheer of Canada echoes as the Canadian fans start up. AJ skates around the ice on the last shift as the minute comes to a close. Canada ends a fifty-year drought.

AJ slams his stick onto the ground as the Canadian players run onto the ice and grab onto each other in celebration. AJ skates over to his fellow teammates as Jeremy Roenick puts an arm around him and shakes his shoulders.

“Cheer up AJ you got silver at least,” he says to him as AJ wipes the tears from his eyes as the two teams line up to shake hands.

The two teams pass by each other shaking hands congratulating one another on a game well done. AJ reaches Kevin and stares at him as Kevin smiles and takes him into a hug. He had finally gotten his gold medal.

“You got years a head of you kid,” Kevin says to AJ, “You’ll get one sooner or later. Hell I never even had a silver,” he says as tears fill his eyes from happiness.

AJ nods solemnly before moving on to shake hands with Gagne as the two of them pull each other into a hug. He moves down the line shaking hands with the Canadians one by one before coming to the end and skating over to his to wait for the medal ceremony. He gets a silver medal put around his neck and picks it up in his hands and holds onto it as the flags are raised. AJ stares at the flags as they are raised and lifts his medal to his lips and kisses it.

“Well…its only four years until the next one,” AJ says as he wipes his eyes with his sleeve as JR looks at him and smiles.

“On to the cup…on to the cup,” JR says.

“Now we have to sit through that God awful closing ceremony with NSYNC,” AJ says, “Is there no mercy?” AJ asks as Kevin skates up to them and pulls them both into a huge hug as tears come from his eyes.

“Well at least we lost to you,” AJ says to Kevin.

AJ stares up at the sky and smiles as a large white ball flies above is head barely missing him. He looks over to his right in the middle of the insanity that was occurring on the Olympic ice as the closing ceremony raved on.

“Now this is a sight to see,” a voice says as he turns around to see Kevin walking up to him, gold medal around his neck still.

“I want Earth, Wind and Fire to come back on,” AJ smiles brightly bouncing his head along to the music.

“I’m gonna kill myself on this ice,” someone yells from across the ice as JR walks over.

“You’re not supposed to slip remember…you are an ice hockey player,” AJ says.

“Not off skates and when there is multicolored paint on the ground,” JR says.

“Oh c’mon live a little JR,” AJ laughs as a large white ball comes from the corner of the ice hitting him on the side of the head, “There better not be paint on my beret,” AJ says adjusting his hat as the others laugh at him.

“AJ!” a voice yells as someone else walks up.

“GAGS!” AJ yells as Gagne walks up to the group along with John LeClaire.

“God can you believe its over just like that?” Kevin says looking up at the crowd filling the stands.

“I don’t want it to be over,” AJ sighs, “I could go on like this forever.”

“Back to Philadelphia,” Kevin says as his hands reaches up to hold his medal.

“Back home,” AJ says as he looks down at his own silver medal, “I’m gonna miss this place though. I can’t see everyone now. People going back to all over the world, the snowboarders are going to Japan to compete, skiers back home, Apolo is going back to frickin Colorado…”

“What’s wrong with Colorado?” a voice asks from the crowd.

“Cut your hair!” AJ yells back at the figure before smiling, “Never thought I would say I’m gonna miss Utah.”

Kevin smiles, “On to the cup?”

“On to the cup,” AJ says Roenick hits him in the face with a smaller ball covered in paint, “You LOSER,” AJ yells wiping the side of his face and running towards Roenick as JR takes off into the crowd, “Get back here JR!”

“Yeah this is seeming more like home everyday,” Kevin says to himself smiling.

Thanks for the run USA. It was great while it lasted.


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