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The special little angels that
God has let us borrow
Have lived their too short lives
knowing nothing but sorrow There
is nothing more precious than tiny little feet
Making the pitter patter sounds and
make your life complete Their tiny
little hands hold on to big hands they adore
Why can’t we love them equally and give
them so much more
Why must we find such angels in garbage
cans and rivers
And hear about such horrors that up
your spine send shivers
When babies are so tiny they do not understand
Why mommy wasn’t there for
them to lend a helping hand
Where was she when they needed her
where were the loving arms
The ones that were supposed to guard
and keep them from all harm
Why were those eyes so hateful,
why’s mommy being so mean
What have I done to make her
ignore my desperate screams
Maybe someone will hear me is there
a mommy there?
Will she please take me with her and
show me that she cares
Dear Lord,
I’m just a baby, please make her understand
She’s not supposed to kill me or leave me
in this can
Oh God, I thought you told me
that she would love me so
That she would love me always and
rock me to and fro
You said that she would kiss me
and hold me when I cry
But dear Lord she is leaving me
and hoping that I die
I am too small to crawl right now
and much too small to walk
Oh Lord please won’t you tell
her for I can’t even talk
I promise I’ll be happy,
I promise I won’t cry
Oh please, dear Lord,
please tell her, I’ll really really try
To be the perfect baby I’ll do my very best
I’ll sleep, I promise, soundly,
and even let her rest
If only she could hear my thoughts,
I promise not to nag
Please someone won’t you help me,
she’s put me in this bag
Maybe someone will find me
before the break of dawn
And care for me and love me
before my life is gone



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