
Distorted words for your reading pleasure...
Fallen Angel
Apple Syringe
For Baby
Not Yet
Against All Odds
I Awake
With Me
Before the Apacolypse
After the End
Lost Soul
Insect King
Rain of Fire
Scent of a Rose
Broken Hearted
Flowers of the Dead
Hypocrite Son
Mirror World
Orphan Boy
Mother Ocean
Pocket Full of Dreams
Remember Everything
Shadow Man
Song of Angels
Who Am I?
I Learned
I Found Love
The Artist
Video Store Therapy
Pushing Through
Inject Me
Wise Man
Love is...
My Sweetness
Life Put Into Perspective

The Artist

the pages hold so many words
    so untrue...
       so unfair...

those who read them
think they are right
not knowing the true
meanings of thought

the mind has a strange
way of spilling
thoughts and emotion
to the cavas of the world

yet only one mind
can communicate the 
untwisted truth
the mind of the artist

men bound in chains of poverty
the sun won't shine eternally
earth full of war
a canopy of lies that
cover the truth

love will conquer ALL
filling the heavens with life
for all eternity to behold

Video Store Therapy

so many titles
seem so appealing
yet none are viewed for the titles

the videos steal
reality for the show
leaving stress in the
back of your mind
as you fall into 
the simulated reality
of fictional characters

you slip out of the conciousness 
of your mind
as the torturing world
seems to float away

Pushing Through

she walks into the room
all her burdens fill the air
could have been a better
day for me she says
then walks away 
without a care

alone out in the fields
she stares up at a star
could have been a better life
for me she cries
her life alone has
gone too far


let it fall from the brink 
of the earth
falling closer to hell

when the world 
caves in
everyone yells

will she ever sparkle again?

Inject Me

inject me with
your beautane
light me up then
throw me away
kiss and tell the
bastard I'm lying

covered with your
poison skin
altered by the sins
of the damned
I'm sorry for the
hand that was delt to you


a poisonous bite that
reminds you of the past
... the rage
... the pain
feelings you never 
wanted to know

the viper has bitten you
only he is the one
that has poisoned himself


dizzy from your voice
my knees buckle
turning into jelly
my heart races the
fastest leopard
my mind raises to the sky
carried by the wind
the light becomes dimly
streaked with rainbows

as the sun sets
into the distant horizon
I reply with an embrace

I love you, too.

Wise Man

wise man
take my soul
make me whole
planting all
your perfect seeds
basic needs

I'd rather leave you
than put you away
things that have happened
just blow me away

Love is...

... the addictive drug of
nature, that binds hearts 
together showing all emotions
that flow through the viens
of my once vacant vessel of life

... the heart of God 
  in the soul of man

... a gentle grasp that
will never retreat this
feeling that we share for 
one another


an overwhelming feeling of want
a need for white silk to enter my lips
to blacken my already weary lung
to feel as if my mind
was calm
my nerves steady
a feeling of good
with only the slightest hint of evil

the pain of my habit
will meet me sooner
than I expected

as I murder myself with
each breath I take

My Sweetness

her skin tasted of honey
as I lightly explored it's plain
the silouette of her body
showing through with the 
dim light of a cresant moon
softly she whispers revelations
into my ever listening ear
I hear all that she dreams
I envision all of her thoughts
taking my lip in hers
she emits a low growl
from her throat
I cradle her in my love
as she welcomes my spirit
to entwine with her own


in the deep comfort of
my slumber
her hand reaches out
to me in a dream
her touch as warm
as the sunlight
she smiles upon my
broken life
lifting my soul with 
her love
viewing the tears of joy
that now desend from
my heart
she calmly embraces
my cheek
sending me back to
the slumber
from which she first 

Life Put Into Perspective

the colours swirl into 
the deepest reaches of
what the mind sees

as colourfull as it may seem
is only seen in black and white