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Bringing back the randomness! Woot!

"Take it all off!"
Sobe Drink Quotes
Construction Entrance...
Enter at your own risk. This is the potially new site. I'm working on it. Still have the old site avialable. Read it if you like.

like. The old website is still up, but has not been recently updated. Feel free to view it if you wanna surf around. Otherwise, drop me a line or a suggestion for the new site and it's new layout.
Construction Entrance...
Enter at your own risk. This is the potially new site. I'm working on it. Still have the old site avialable. Read it if you
News Goes Here
I'll be putting my news info in this section. I'll also have my Games links here. Just had an idea (amazing, I know), I'll put movie info in here! SPIDER MAN 2 WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!... besides Star Wars
Check out my latest news!

NEW!!!!!!!Playstation emulator files comming soon! Click Me
This side
will pretty much stay the same. I'm gonna put those little tidbits, like that love story, and similair things over here. That includes my links and the like. :)
As you may have noticed, the bottom of the page will remain exactly the same. Have a nice day! and don't forget to send me feedback! Grr...
Fun Stuff by me! :)

get this gear!

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Happy New Year!
January 1, 2005
New Journal Entry!