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My Journal

January 1, 2005
August 17, 2004
May 5, 2004
April 8, 2004
March 9, 2004
March 6, 2004
February 11, 2004
January 29, 2004
January 5, 2004
December 16, 2003
December 11, 2003
December 7, 2003

January 1, 2005
Happy New year! If you don't already know, you need to know. Find out here. Umm... dunno what else to inform you of. I'm out of school, still working full-time at Taco Bell. I'm looking for another job, I'm gonna need the extra income, not just for paying off bills. I got alot of shopping to do and things to prepare for. Blah! Hope to make a new entry soon! Bye all.
August 17, 2004
Stuff is happening here at home. I'll tell you about it later. You may be able to figure it out just by reading this... I'll have alot more time on my hands. Wow, how many times have I said that? I don't know. I'm currently unemployed. I plan to apply at Giant tonight. Wish me luck. I'm still in school and doing rather well. Umm... only news I have is bad news and I don't wanna share that right now. Anyway, see ya later.
May 5, 2004
Ha! Cinco de Mayo! Ok that's probably spelled wrong. How are you people? I haven't updated in about a month I see. That kinda sucks. Well, in the last month, I've signed up for the GED tests, I have yet to take them, but I am enrolled in college. :) I start college on June 1st so I've got a little less than a month to get these tests in. Grr! I'm still working full time, yes at the chicken factory. Things, my manager says, are supposed to get interesting in the next few months. New items and the like. Umm... I really don't know what else to put in here so I guess this is gonna be pretty brief. Don't forget to e-mail me.
On a quick little happy note, I've been instructed to tell you the good news about my personal life. Brandi and I have been going out consecutively (sp?) for the last 2 months. That means a total of... 6 months now. 4 more days and it'll be our 6 month actually. Yes, she's sitting here feeding it to me, I don't know this stuff she does! But we've been happily together (married) for a while now. And now, she didn't feed that to me. :) Bye everyone.
P.S. Everyone's been asking where I work. I work at KFC on Walnut street in Harrisburg. Click here for directions!
April 8, 2004
Been a while since I last updated. Hasn't been much time to do so. For those of you who don't already know, I dropped out of Highschool. Long story short, Even if I aced the last marking period I would've had to come back next year to finish my credits. So I decided to move onto the next stage in my life: College. I'm getting my GED and I can start college as soon as July. Why then, don't I have time to update my page? Because I sleep all day and work all night. So that's why there's no time. I'm up early for once and decided to let my fans know what happened to me. So you're welcome all 2 of you.
March 9, 2004
Today the cable and internet at the trailor will be turned off and be turned on at the new house. What does this mean for me and my website? That means that I'm going to go into a minor withdraw of computer and internet! I'll have the computer available at the new house it's just that When I'm at the new house I'll be busy mostly moving and not be able to get online, even though I'll have my screen names signed on. That also means I won't be able to do much online except at school.
March 6, 2004
We've been moving for the last few days. Today's just another day. We aim to be living in the new house by next weekend. It'll probably be sooner cuz we're actually getting most of the stuff moved before hand. Don't really know, I guess we'll just have to see. I took pictures of the empty house before we started moving things. The camera was set to take HUMONGOUS pictures so I have to resize them before I put them on the site. At the rate I'm going that could take another week... sorry.
February 11, 2004
I'm going to stop writing about my relationship problems because they just seem to be a tight-rope contest, going back and forth. I'm back with Brandi but what the situation is or duration will be I'm not sure. Am I ever? So I'm just going to attempt to leave that all out of this section from now on.
I visited York Technical Institute yesterday. I really liked the course and campus. My mom and Brandi came along with me, and they seemed to find it rather impressive... Until we started talking about the financial aspect of schooling. $36k for 2 years. That really doesn't sound that bad in my opinion. Appearently other technical schools are about the same. But mom was put very off by their suggestions and such, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Anyone know of some easy ways to get scholarships!? I don't think that I'll have much better luck with any other school. So... let's see how it all works out.
January 29, 2004
Brandi and I have been broken up for a little more than a week now. We haven't been talking for the last few days either. I don't know weither to be proud of myself or to be sad that I lost her. Everything was so good, yet it wasn't all that great at the same time. I'm not sure if I really want to get back together with Colleen, I love her but the spark that kept me around before has gone now, she has a boyfriend. I've often ondered if I kept comming back to her because she always knew how to make me feel wanted. She wasn't kidding when she told me recently that she's changed. She certainly has. I'm not sure that I feel as wanted as I used to around her. And I've decided that I don't give a flying fuck what my friends think of my girlfriends. There's plenty of Justin-bashing going on on Seans Website. Plenty of talk about me and/or my girlfriends. I don't know what to think about it all. I keep hearing different things from different people about the loyalty of my friends. I figure I'll just ride it out.
I wonder if there's any way to put some kind of responce thingy in here, so ppl can reply to my journal entries. Then again, that's probably not a good idea. lol
January 5, 2004
Happy New Year! Well, it was for a while. New Years eve was spent with my girlfriend at my uncles. We all drank some alchahol (not much though) and played cards. Then New Years Day she and I left with her mother for New York. We arrived at her uncles house about 5 hours later and ready to stretch. There we spent the next 3 nights. Suprisingly we only fought twice while there. That's really good for us, but we'd been doing really well the last 2 whole weeks. Then, for some reason we started fighting in the car on the way home (the second fight). By the time we got home to drop me off, she'd broken up with me. Oh yes, it sucks, trust me. Anyway... so yea, now we're back in school and it really suck, and I just got here! Oh well. Life will go on, even if it goes on without me.
December 16, 2003
I think I live in some kind of dramedy. Too much crap. Women are nothing but trouble. Mad at you one moment and then perfectly fine and cuddly the next! It's incriminatingly odd. I don't want to go into details cuz that would just bore some people, and make others laugh. Yet more would just tell me I'm an idiot.
Still looking for a job. I've put in a few applications, but I haven't heard back from anybody just yet. I'm just gonna keep putting them in. Atleast now I know what my hours can and can't be because of school. This time around should be much easier. I'm out for now. Chaio.
December 11, 2003
First day back to school since Monday. Took 2 days off. Sick, and wanted some time to do my homework... more info later, gotta go!
December 7, 2003
Got fired today! Well, Actually I think it was yesterday but they told me about it today...
My friend came in and bought something, and saw there was extra food in the bin and asked if he could have some. I figured, since we're throwing it away might as well donate to a good cause, right? Well, my manager disagreed, wrote me up, yelled at me, kicked him out of the store. Told me today that I was fired and banned from the premisis! Except of course to pick up my last check. Told me to tell him the same, which is illegal, they have to tell him themselves in person (he was also an employee, just off that day). Sucks... Looking for a job now, but more free time on my hands for now!