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Oh! Hello!
These are the lush, green castlegrounds you are strolling upon.
Here, you can see the gardens and the pathways.
All of castle's critters like to hang around here.
It is always sunny and warm, perfect for lazing around...or playing!!!

This is Cuddles.
She was adopted so that she could
make friends with all the mice at the Castle.
She will talk and play with the mice...
Cuddles won't ever eat them!!!

Shhhh. Kip is napping.
He is just a new born mouse and needs to sleep alot!!

More cats!! (The Magikcastle loves cats!!)
To the left is: Little Belle and on her right is: Sasha.
Little Belle is only a kitten and Sasha is an adult cat.

This is Rababoo. He is so cute.
Do you like his little pink jacket?

Say hi to Spot.
A little boy bear with fuzzy ears
likes to play with his pet butterfly.

Adoption Credits & Certificates

Trees courtesy of Teaapot Graphics


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