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Hi. My name is Paige.
My Aunt Vicki designs websites and she designed this one just for me!
I am 8 years old and live in Canada.
I am in Grade 3 and I like to swim and play with my friends.
I LOVE animals, especially wolves!!
My family has the greatest pets ever!!

Click here to meet George!

We also have
a dog named Cocoa-Bean,
an old cat named Duster
and a hamster named MiniMama.

I also collect Beanie Babies.
Check out my collection.

There are over 400 rooms in the Magikcastle,
so I cannot show you them all.
But, I can show you my favourite places in and around the castle!
You must meet all of my friends and adopted pets!!

You just click on the fairie houses to see more!!

If you want to sign my guestbook,
please click on this beautiful fairy angel.
I really like to know who visits the castle !!

To e-mail me, click on this cute little colouring mouse.
My mom & my aunt always check my e-mail first!

Visit My Favourite Links!!

Vicki's Holiday Center
Kyle's Speedway
Taylor's Pets In Space
Arielle's Britney Spears Room

Awards Won !!

This is my very own rainbow.
I got it from the Rainbow Man!
Click on my rainbow to get yours!


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Disney - Part Of Your World

Visit my Aunt Vicki's website!

Note from Vicki: All graphics are either credited to the proper source or are public domain. If you see one that isn't, please contact me by clicking on Vicki's Slice of Heaven banner and I will remove the graphic or credit the proper source. Thank you.