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You have arrived at the Crystal Pond.

Here you will find all the mermaids, seahorses, fish and friends of the water.
It is a Crystal Pond because the water is crystal clear, so clean and blue.

This is Princess Mermaid Aurora. She is so nice! She helps out everyone in the Crystal Pond. She wants you to have fun meeting everyone.
Meet Shayla-Dawn. Isn't she pretty?

This is Farrah. She is a merlette.
She and Shayla-Dawn chase the little fish in the Pond.
Don't worry, there are NO alligators!!!!!

Meet Sassy. She is so cute.
She loves to take care of the starfish in the Pond.
She makes sure that Farrah and Shayla-Dawn don't chase the starfish!!!

Bina and Giana are looking for Precious....that silly little merbaby is hiding again. The merbabies are playing Hide and Go Fish !

    Duchess Emilie of the Tropics is visiting today.

The Goddess of Water is here today with her friend "Goddess Neptune". Water's hair splashes into the sea.
Neptune guides the sea creatures to their proper homes.

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Under The Sea - Disney