The night of the banquet was so exciting, there I got to meet, Matty & Tom, Donna & Ed, and Daphne. More nice people.

We all went to our rooms to get gussied up. Then when I was dressed, ran back up to Sally`s and Tee`s room.

A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."

Another knock on the door brought in Carol, yelling Ark as she came in. One night in chat, Carol made a typo, instead of AFK, she put in ARK! She hasn`t lived it down since, but is a good sport about it.

We all went to the banquet room together. Took our seats. Sally said grace for us, then Leigh got up on stage and introduced Rose, she had written a poem for us.


Friendly Senior Outlet, The "In" Place To Be.

Where You Can Enjoy Yourself, With Merriment And Glee.

Yes! Fun And Laughter Surround Us, We Laugh And Hoot And Howl.

We Make Happiness The "In" Thing, No Time To Pout Or Growl

We Also Have Our Serious Times When Our Friends Are Sad And Blue.

We Offer Our Love And Support, Assuring Them We Are True.

I Am Proud Being A Friendly Senior Outlet Chatter, And I hope You Are Too

May Our Wonderful Relationships Continue Until Our Earthly Life Is Through.

By Rosemary Mincher Ziegler
May 8th, 2000

Bravo, and thank you Rose! We applaud you.

Also thanks to Mary for finding the roses gif, looks just like the one on the card Willy gave us.

Leigh got back up on stage and introduced Gino.

That`s when the fun began. Here he is singing to us:

The cameras and videos were going, and some started to dance. Sally always jokes in chat, that if she`s having a good time, she`ll dance on the tables.Well...............


Actually, it was my brilliant idea to get her on the table with the help of my trusty friend Terrie. So we hyked her up, and Voile.....they were playing New York, New York, you go girl!!

During the evening, Leigh walked over to the piano that was in the room. She told us that someone from our room had sent us flowers. Leigh asked us to guess, she gave a hint, saying there was a crown on top of the flowers. Dead give away! I called out, "Queen Mother". Yes, she sent us the lovely flowers, with a note. So, Judy this is for you.

Thanks Your Highness!!

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