Who the h-e-doublehockeysticks is

Genevieve Fowler?    (and why should anyone care?)


   Please allow me to introduce myself--I'm an Immortal.  And I'm also fairly bright.  So I've figured out that I'm a fictional character, already.  But in my virtual reality, this is what you're getting:


(This is an artist's rendering.  I don't really want my photo floating around, if you get my drift.)

Stuff about Me:

If I were born under regular circumstances (which I can only really guess about) I would have been

born on April 2, 1972 in Philadelphia, PA.  Because Vixen has a major occult fixation, she had a

free birth chart done for me at astrocenter.com.  Then, she saved it for posterity, because she said

that she recognized me in it.  She's a little whacked.


My first death occured on March 25, 1993.  Vixen wrote a series of stories about the

circumstances of it, and I think she captured my voice fairly well, although I don't know

that I curse that often, and I wish her descriptions weren't always so *graphic*, you


Strange Meetings

(For a light-hearted look at accidentally creating a potent super-weapon, you can read Vinnie, the Wonder Rodent.

I intend to write a more serious explanation of my studies at some point.  Stay tuned.)

As for my appearance, I think I look a little like Vixen's younger, cuter sister. (OUCH! Sorry, been "virtually pinched".) Um, I'm about 5'5" or maybe 5'6" (on a bad hair day) and weigh more than you'd think (I'm muscular...very) with blue eyes that fade to green and red hair.  Someone once told me I look a little "Mary-Sueish". I don't copy on that one.

An interesting thought though, is--if I'm aware of being fictional--why do I have a web site in the "real world", and why persist in calling it *mine* if I don't really exist?  Well, I was reading (I read--or rather, pick out titles and make Vixen incorporate the info into *our* shared memory...shh, she doesn't like to think about that stuff) The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (he's the man, by the way...good stuff, there) and got to thinking about memes.  See, I've always been in the gene business.  Vixen's a writer...with a massive scary load of info in her head.  I haven't yet figured out how to distribute any unique genetic goodies I may have...but you see...ideas?  I've found some pretty good ideas...and I want to do a little...I dunno.  Infecting. Splicing.  Doing a little meme therapy, so to speak.

By the way, any one got any ideas why Vixen drinks more now that I'm in her head? Just wondering.

(Graphic courtesy of Vixen--artist's rendering called "cellabrate".  It's inspired by a microscope view of...hmm, they look *viral* to me. No, I didn't help her come up with the title.But I do like the pic.)

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