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Aaron's Light of Hope

How you can help us.....

When our infant son, Aaron, passed away;
a lot of people asked how they could help.

Here is our problem. After I gave birth to Aaron,
my husband and I decided that I would
get my tubes tide. We had two very beautiful boys.
We had no idea that our baby was sick.
The doctors did not realize it either.
When Aaron did pass away, he was 3 days
away from turning 4 months old.
It has been very hard on my family.
Our oldest son, Joseph, is completely devastated.
He asks me daily for another baby brother.

My husband and I would love to have another baby.
It would not be to replace Aaron.
(Nothing in the world could replace him!)
It could fill a void in our lives, though.
Our problem is that my tubes are tide.
Our insurance will not cover a reversal.
Due to the fact it is an "elective procedure."

The surgery is possible to do; but quite costly!!
The hospital will not allow a payment plan.

I am sure that we are not the only family in this situation.

I have tried to find an organization that could help.
However, I have not found one.

I decided to apply to get a non-profit
foundation started in My son's name.
I am still in the application process at this time;
But we could still use some help.
It will be called the "Aaron Jackson Memorial Foundation."
We want to be able to help families who
have had a surgical procedure,(male or female) after the birth
of a child. Then lost that child.
I will also consider other infertility problems as well.
This, however will be up to the board of trustees to decide.

Right now we are in need of donations to be able to help these families.

We are trying to get enough donations
together to help out at least one family
as soon as it is completely approved.
I know from personal experience, that it
is hard enough to loose a child.
But when you know you can not have another one it is even harder.

If you can find it in your hearts to help out another family,
You can send donations to:
Aaron's Light of Hope
The Aaron Jackson Memorial Foundation
c/o The Jackson's
P.O. Box 226
Midland City, AL 36350-0226
Any and all support will be greatly appreciated!!
We are offering gifts for donations.
You can veiw those gifts on the next page.

If you are a family that is in need of help,
You too can contact us at the address above.
Unfortunately since this is new there will be a waiting list.

That is why we need all the help that we can get.
We want to help out as soon as we are able.

If you have any questions or concerns
you can contact me at the email link provided.

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