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Aaron's Story

~Part 1~

I was eager to have another baby. Therefore,
when I found out that I was pregnant again, I was elated.
I had to call my husband at work, to tell him the news.
I was nervous doing this because it was April 1, 1999.
I did not want him to think that I was pulling a prank on him.
Luckily, he could hear the excitement in my voice.

I had a more difficult pregnancy than my last one.
I had more morning sickness; and an awful lot of heartburn.
When I got my first ultrasound they changed my due date.
I had figured out that I should be due on November 17, 1999.
They told me it would be December 3, 1999.
This did not upset me, because everything else looked fine.

I was at the doctors more than
usual due to having Braxton Hicks Contractions.
I was a mother of a 2 and a half year old.
These contractions felt like the real thing.
I was alot bigger than I should have been.
The doctors said I probably had alot of fluid.
I begged them to do another
ultrasound to see if my due date was correct.
I had figured out Nov. 17th; and that is when I was going by.

I had a regular check-up on Nov. 16th.
I was begging to get induced at this point.
I was so big, my joints were aching terribly.
I did not have any luck convincing my doctors to induce.
They did, however, send me to the hospital to have a non-stress test done.
My blood Pressure was up, and they wanted me to get checked out further.
I was hooked up to the monitor,
and right away the nurse noticed that I was having contractions.
They called the doctor to inform him of this.
When he arrived he checked my cervix.
I was 4 cm dialated. I was so happy.
It was only one day away from the date I had come up with.
I thought for sure they were going to keep me in the hospital.
He sent me home, telling me that I could be like this for a few days.
I told him that I would be back that night.
He chuckled and said you just might be;
but you will be more comfortable at home.
When I left the hospital it was around 2:00 in the afternoon.
I was back by 9:00 that night.
I knew this baby was going to be born on the 17th.
My contractions were steady; but not as strong.
They did decide to keep me this time.
I was dialated to 4.5 cm now.
I tried to sleep; but I could not.
I was so excited to get to finally see my little boy.

~The morning of November 17, 1999~

The doctor came back around 8:30 a.m.
He asked if I was ready to have this baby.
I told him that indeed I was.
They started me on Pitocin, to get the contractions going stronger.
He checked me and I was still only 4 1/2 cm.
I had been having contractions all night;
but they were not doing anything to progress the labor.
It was around 9:30a.m. that the contractions were getting stronger.
I told my husband that they still were not
as strong as the Braxton Hicks contractions that I had had previously.
Judy, my nurse, was great!!!
She said she predicted,that
Aaron would arrive before 3:00 that afternoon.
At 2:00 I received my Epidurial. I was not in much pain.
I wanted to get it before I was.
At this point I was 6 cm.
I joked with Judy that I did not see Aaron coming before 3:00.
Aaron was moving alot, and they
kept losing his heartbeat on the extrenal monitor.
The doctor came in at 2:30 and told me
that he was going to put an internal monitor on Aaron.
I knew this meant he was going to break my water.

I was still only 6 cm, at this point.
My husband had just got his lunch delievered.
He was sitting there enjoying his Chinese food,
When I told him I felt like I had to push.
He was so engrossed in a movie, that he just said ok.
I spoke a little louder and said,
"Honey go get the nurse, I GOT TO PUSH!!!"
He jumped up and got the nurse.
They came in, and the nurse checked me.
She said yes you are ready.
She looked at the clock and said it is only 2:43.
She smiled and said he is getting here before 3:00.
She told me to push to see how I would do.
Another nurse came in and informed us she had paged the doctor.
I pushed one more time. It scared me because the doctor was not there yet.
Aaron was right there, I could feel him crowning.
The one nurse yelled out to the nurses
station to page the doctor again.
The nurses told me to go ahead and push one more time.
I only had one foot in the stirrup.
I pushed again, and Aaron found his way into the world.
I was in pure amazement, he looked just like his big brother.
The doctor finally arrived about 2 minutes later.
Aaron was on the bed with me.
The doctor said I guess you did not need me.
I told him that Aaron was ready to make his appearance.
The nurse had taken Aaron to clean him up.
He was crying until she had finished.
He got so quiet so fast, I asked if he was ok.
The nurse reassured me that he was very content.
She weighed and measured him. Then announced that
he was 7 lbs. 15 ozs. and was 20 1/2 ins. long.
He was beautiful. He had a head full of hair.
Aaron looked so much like his big brother;
but already had different personalities.
Aaron was calm and so sweet like an Angel.
I started calling him my Angel Baby.
They had to take him for the regular tests.
When they brought him back he was sleeping.
I could not take my eyes off of him.
My mom brought Joseph in to see his new brother.
He was so adorable with him.
I was actually suprised how good he was with Aaron.
Joseph had been going through that normal distructive 2 year old phase.
Around Aaron, however, he was calm and very good with him.

I had noticed that Aaron had raspy breathing.
I mentioned this to my nurse. She told me it was normal right after delivery.
I recalled that Joseph, too, had it after he was born.
I put it in the back of my mind, and enjoyed my new baby.
We got to take Aaron home on Friday, November 19. 1999.
He was so good in the car. Joseph just kept talking about his new baby.

For more of ~Aaron's Story~