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My Family

More family Photos

Aaron crashed out.
After being fed.

Joseph the day
of Aaron's Funeral.

My mom with Joseph and Aaron.
The day Aaron was born.

My Grand Father with Aaron.
Thanksgiving 1999

My Grand Parents with
Joseph and Aaron
Thanksgiving 1999

Joseph just a little
confused about
How to wear his clothes!!!

Aaron the day
he was born.

Joseph's first birthday.

OK.. So Joseph likes making a mess.
What little boy doesn't??

Besides a bottle...
Aaron's Favorite thing,
in the whole wide world,
was his swing!!

Joseph opening
his Christmas Presents.
(Christmas 1999)

Joseph getting his
last bath in the sink.

This is the
last picture,
taken of Aaron.

This is our favorite
picture of Joseph.
Our little "angel bubba"

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