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~When I became a Mother~

The day I bacame a Mother,
My emotions ran wild.
I was in total awe of this child.

The day I became a Mother,
I laughed and cried.
This little child was mine.

I promised him that I would do my best.
As he lay sleeping upon my chest.
I will teach you right from wrong.
I will teach you to be the best.

God had Blessed me with this child so fair.
I will treat him to the best of care.
I will Love and guide him,
the best way I know how.

He is a big brother now.
God has blessed me once again.
Now where do I begin?

It was not always easy.
I did not get much sleep.
I had Prayed for another Angel to keep.

I got that Angel,
But only for awhile.
God needed my New Baby,
Back in Heaven now.

I asked why to no avail.
Some tell me God has his reasons.
Some say it was his time.

But I am not able to handle this I cried.
I miss my Angel here on Earth.
Please help me ease this hurt I feel inside.

I know you will take care of him.
I know that he is fine.
I will see him again. When it is time.

Please tell him each and everyday
We love him and wanted him to stay.
I do not have all the answers,
and I hurt so bad inside.
Today I Cried.

Written by:
Crystal J

~Little Angels~

When God calls little children
to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of His love.

For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child,
Who does so much to make our world
seem wonderful and mild.

Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold,
And so He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.

God knows how much we need them
and he takes but few,
To make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.

Believing this is difficult
still somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Good-bye."

So when a little child departs
we who are left behind,
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.


~"Death of a Child"~

Sorry I didn't get to stay.
To laugh and run and play.
To be there by your side.
I'm sorry that I had to die.

God sent me down to be with you,
to make your loving heart anew.
To help you look up and see
Both God and little me.

Mommy, I wish I could stay.
Just like I heard you pray.
But, all the angels did cry
when they told little me goodbye.

God didn't take me cause He's mad.
He didn't send me to make you sad.
But to give us both a chance to be
a love so precious .. don't you see?

Up here no trouble do I see
and the pretty angels sing to me.
The streets of gold is where I play
you'll come here too, mommy, someday.

Until the day you join me here,
I'll love you mommy, dear.
Each breeze you feel and see,
brings love and a kiss from me.

Written By:
Sandy Eakle

~I am a Mother of Three~
I tell a stranger I am a mother of Three
Stranger stares, like how can that be
They only see one child holding my hand
Stranger stares harder trying to understand.

I go on to explain that I have two in Heaven
and this one is with me here on Earth
I have one that I never got to give birth
I know it was a girl in my heart of hearts
My other Angel I loved with all of my soul
He went to Heaven at 4 months old.

My angels have names and they have souls
The Heavenly Father is taking good care of them
Till we get called to the fold.

So you see, if you ask me how many children I have
I will include in that number
My Angels above and the one here
that I get to Hold and to Love.
A Mother is not just a mother
because she has given Birth.
She is still a Mother even if
her children are not of this Earth.

Written by:
Crystal J
Mother of 3
2 Angels (Makayla & Aaron)
1 here on earth (Joseph)